He 162A-2
38 26 April 2021, 01:30

Thank you, Gary, Erik, Roland & Guy.
I discovered the joy of simutanously building 2 models that use the same colors this winter. It make the painting session more productive and I cut my airbrush cleaning time by halfs although is a lot omre of organization. For some reason, productivity is part of the fun of building models for me. Must be a professionnal deformation.
The Dragon kit if well details, but not as builder fieindly as what I used froim Tamiya and a lot less than the Hobby Boss 262.
3 May 2021, 22:06

The engine is done, I'm wondering if I should ad a burnt iron effect at exhaust?
18 May 2021, 18:26

Thank you guys. Adding bit of styrene is one my favortie part of model building. It does make the painting much more complicated. I migth add the wires and hoses after the paint in futur builds.
19 May 2021, 11:35

Thank Spanjaard.
I cut a hole on the top of the model to eventually add weight (probably lead pellet) later. It will be covered by the engine. Next step is a bit of putty on the wings.
22 May 2021, 01:43

Welcome aboard Nathan. I have a 3 days weekend ahead of me, so I plan a lot of hobby time 😉.
22 May 2021, 12:51

I'm not fully following the steps of the manual to facilitate the airbrushing so I now have to install the landing fully painted (pic # 32). I will later install the missing fuselage part, apply putty And paint the join.
6 June 2021, 13:29

Thanks Jan!
The fiilling of the panel line around the landing grear is more time consuming than I anticipated. It's comming along good still. 2 more putty layers & I should have a seemless surface.
11 June 2021, 11:50

Try compacting them with pliers, I use fishing line weights, and these can be crushed so you can cram more into a limited space
13 June 2021, 15:54

You can probably melt them in a normal kitchen. Just make sure you do not breath any fumes and use a pan that will never be used again for cooking. You can make a mould with plaster for specific shape
14 June 2021, 16:29

I like the Idea of modling a custom weigth Spanjaard. A other good way (and the most fun IMO) to compact them, is to shoot them on a metal plate. They become as flat as pancake
14 June 2021, 16:47

Please don't melt lead in a kitchen.
15 June 2021, 01:37

Bought these for $13 CAD on Amazon. They are really small and they are split in half and can be separated and struck with a heavy hammer on a metal plate. Splat flat!
They seem to have gone up in price.,.
15 June 2021, 02:10

Thanks for the advise Ben. It is a question of how much and how often, I guess. A tea spoon of lead once, or 1000 bullets once a week 😉 of course, lead is not healthy in any case.
But also glue, paints, resin dust, etc, etc
15 June 2021, 06:08

Thank for the good comment Clifford & Sebastian.
As for the lead,(in addition to the recomandation stated above. A good habbit, is to wash you hands after manipulating it.
15 June 2021, 11:50

This one have been finished for a week, but I was waiting for a nice day to do some outside shots. It is a nice model with a lot of details in the landing gear area, but it need a lot of adjustment to have a nice fit among the parts. The PE is also on the thick side and I had to ruin a blade cutting for the sheet. The decals were surprisingly easy to work given their age.
27 June 2021, 18:14

Great finish Guillaume! I know those DML and Trimaster etch sheets are notoriously thick. I've been using these with great results:
Professional Photo Etch Scissor (Xuron 9180ET, No)
27 June 2021, 18:27

Thanks for the nice comments guys!
Nathan, thanks for the tip. I might look for one before I start my next Cyber Hobby project.
27 June 2021, 21:49

Awesome work!
(Thinking of doing an EDF RC version of this from a kit but I have the same company's Hunter already in the balsa stash).
29 June 2021, 07:55

Tank you Jan & playtime 🙂
Good luck with your RC project, hope you'll share some pictures.
29 June 2021, 12:04
Album info
DML He 162A-2 kit