MV-22 Osprey
22 26 May 2021, 01:27

Welcome aboard Roland. Thank you very much Peppy. I got all of the grey painted on the interior parts today. Will try and get the cockpit painted tomorrow.
27 May 2021, 01:10

Welcome Maciej and James. Did not get much done today, 2 tornado warnings and 3 granddaughters, one 12 the other 10 and a 3 year old. So modeling kind of went out the window. I did get the rotor blades done and puttied.
28 May 2021, 03:07

One osprey just got finished that another one is in gestation. Good the vertical fun keeps going on. Taking a seat.
28 May 2021, 20:16

Welcome Murad and Augie. I hope I can make it worth all of your intrest.
28 May 2021, 21:14

Quick update, as I have not been able to get much done the past few days. Fuselage is all puttied and putty removed and panel lines restored. I need to finish putting the rivets back in, then I will start on getting the flaps finished and installed.
31 May 2021, 01:09

It's getting there. I accidentally stuck my finger through a cabin window today. So I need to figure out how to get it back in, or make one with micro crystal clear. Hope to finish the flaps tomorrow.
3 June 2021, 01:29

Thank you Augie. I will give the kabab stick a try. Don't know why I did not think of that. I only have like 100 stuck in a rack on my work bench. LOL. Well except for the window, I have a complete air frame ready for paint.
4 June 2021, 01:35

Got the window in, thanks Augie. Hope to start paint tomorrow. The flaps are finished and installed.
5 June 2021, 19:09

It is all primed, paint starts tomorrow. Will get some new pictures up soon.
8 June 2021, 01:14

Thank you very much Mathieu, David, Roland and James. I got it painted today. Just a few small touch-ups then I will do the clear coat, and start the decals.
9 June 2021, 22:56

It is a bit of a lump, I haven't given much thought as to where I will put it. I will see if I can squeeze it in with my 1/35 Heilo's. LOL.
11 June 2021, 22:00

I love seeing how the addition of the decals really brings the subject to life 👍
12 June 2021, 03:39

Thank you very much James, Roland and Nathan for your kind and encouraging words. I got the decals on the other side today. Just to need to finish the decals on the rotors, then it's on to weathering.
13 June 2021, 00:45

Finished the decals today. Will finish the landing gear tomorrow, and take some more pictures.
14 June 2021, 01:01

Only got the landing gear done today, My granddaughter's could not behave themselves so grandpa had to "babysit."
15 June 2021, 02:01

Thank you very much Mathieu, and Gerald. Final gloss coat applied, next weathering.
18 June 2021, 03:08

Got the wash on and off today, pin wash done, waiting for it to dry and remove. Then final assembaly.
18 June 2021, 22:04
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Another total re scribe.