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Jørgen Kj (CrazyCatman)

Sukhou SU 21F "Flagon"


6 27 August 2021, 13:10
Jørgen Kj Autor
Could really use some good suggestions for a concrete colour? Preferably Humbrol or Revell email paint
 30 August 2021, 21:27
Simon Nagorsnik
hi jorgen
i´ve built a concrete base for my ka-50
ammo´s concrete paste is good for the initial work because it has a light rough surface which is necessary for the next steps
when it´s dry i add a thin layer of concrete paste+plaster+water
when it is dry again grind off the surface a bit
as the last step i used a highly diluted allover wash made of brown and grey pigments and then grind it off again
I get a very good finish with it
 17 September 2021, 19:27
Jørgen Kj Autor
Thank you Simon; I will see if they got it here. My initial idea was to lay "slaps" of grid 400 sand paper and colour it; but as the photos show it gets a bit too light (the white corners would get some grass to break off all the grey).
 17 September 2021, 20:16

Project info

14 imágenes
En espera
1:72 Sukhoi Su 21F Flagon (Pioneer 2 5-5002)No Craft Knife (Tamiya 74013)No Frühlingswiesen-Grasmatte (Noch N00260)7+
Sukhoi Su-15UM Flagon-G
SU Военно-воздушные силы СССР (Soviet Air Forces 1918-1992)
98 Red

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