Flight School Avnø
7 29 August 2021, 15:26

Playing around with the scenery.... Not sure where the instructor should be located, but I think between the pilot and the wing will look best. Any suggestions?
17 September 2021, 20:18

Don't really have a suggestion, other than perhaps facing the trainees perhaps? Nice diorama thought.
17 September 2021, 21:05

Thank you; I decided for a simple diorama: the flight school was on a grass field so no real runway was needed, and creating the original building would probably require more skills than I can put together.
The idea of the instructor instructing the trainee is really good! I am actually considering this for a Soviet scene I am making. This diorama was kind of thought as a "Kodak moment" of a graduated pilot: I actually have some flight wings from the Danish Air Force that I want to put with either this one or my Britten-Norman Defender from the Danish Air Force Home Guard (which I haven't thought of a diorama for yet).
18 September 2021, 08:29