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8 22 September 2021, 20:08
The odds of me following this build are high.. Very high 🦾🦿
 22 September 2021, 20:15
i_nook Autor
youtube Youtube Video
 22 September 2021, 21:31
Uwe Kaeding
Looking good. I agree with you about not using the clear pieces on his joints - how stable are they without them? I have one of these and was thinking of drilling them out a bit more and inserting some cut aluminium tubing, to reduce the chances of the joints coming apart.
 27 September 2021, 12:52
i_nook Autor
@Uwe - They don't keep position without clear parts. I'm going to glue joints when 'll find pose for vignette. But I definitely like your idea with aluminum tubes and I think joint units will look more heavy and reasonable. May be use brass tubes from cheap telescopic antenna?
 27 September 2021, 13:38
i_nook Autor
@Uwe - your idea may work... check photo #8
 27 September 2021, 13:40
Uwe Kaeding
Great! Hadn't thought about a telescopic antenna - Albion Alloys make aluminium (and brass) tubing in a huge range of sizes and that was my plan
 27 September 2021, 22:27
Nice scratch building! Like what you have done with the blaster modification 👍
 11 October 2021, 21:11
i_nook Autor
@JD thank you. I'm not totally happy with blaster (scribing) but i'm learning, hope will do better next time
 13 October 2021, 20:39
Just seen, great project. Is it finished in the meantime?
 3 November 2021, 08:13
i_nook Autor
@Torsten Not yet. I'm still on the way to improve my skills and understand techniques :-/ (for this I use my project - egg King Tiger) so it is really slow
 3 November 2021, 21:03

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Star Wars. Rogue One. K-2SO

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