A Pair of A/B-26's
35 8 January 2022, 21:30

One of my favourite wwII aircraft that ( like the mosquito) remained active long after the war had finished, and was active in 3 major conflicts.
Definitely in on this one …
8 January 2022, 22:06

Welcome Gary. Ran into a bit of a snag today, I was painting cockpit details, and realized I was missing the fwd cockpit bulkhead part #18, It appearently went down the garbage disposal when I washed the kit in the kitchen sink. So I will have to try and scratch build one, which sucks.
10 January 2022, 20:25

Slow going on this one, Fuselage interior almost done, more pictures soon.
12 January 2022, 19:39

Hopefully will get the fuselage closed up tomorrow. Then I will start the ICM fuselage.
13 January 2022, 21:26

Fuselage done, wings and tail feathers on, engines in progress. I will get some more pictures up tomorrow.
20 January 2022, 00:12

I now have a complete air frame ready for primer. More pictures tomorrow.
22 January 2022, 01:42

Thank you Nathan, I put the clear coat on it today. Hope to start decals soon.
25 January 2022, 01:51

Thank you very much Ben and Gary. I did the final paint work today, will start decals tomorrow. I will also get some more pictures up.
27 January 2022, 01:33

All the decals are finished, and all landing gear, props and weapons are finished. L hope to apply the clear coat to seal the decals, then I can start the weathering.
1 February 2022, 02:05

Quick update, wash on and wash off. I will finish chipping and apply final clear coat tomorrow, then final assembley.
2 February 2022, 22:05

Thank you very much Daniel, your kind words are much appericated.
2 February 2022, 22:20

I like the invader, looks good Clifford. I read that the icmkit is a nice kit.
2 February 2022, 22:59

Thank you very much Eelco. The ICM kit is nice, the only problem I have had is the fit around the nose.
4 February 2022, 21:43

With the exception of adding the aerial wir, calling this one done.
6 February 2022, 01:46

Thank you very much Guy, Roland, Guillaume, Augie and Neil. Your kind words are most appericated.
7 February 2022, 03:41

Thank you very much Eelco, David, Nathan and Rui. Your kind words are much appericated. I hope to get the ICM B-26K counter Invader soon.
8 February 2022, 02:33
Album info
Monogram's B-26C Korean War and ICM's B-26B Pacific Theater WWII.