Finished - 15cm s.FH. 18
62 30 January 2022, 09:44

I much like the First to Fight kits, they have good details with less parts. So you can easily finish the build to start the paintwork (which I much like in modellmaking), or you can add a few modifications and details if you want.
Another nice kit out of their range, a 15cm s.FH. 18. Here you find a few more parts, but much lesser than in other common kits, but with very fine details. I build the kit right out of box, no extras added. The only things I will replace are the wheels. Only the metal wheels for the horse drawn version are included in the kit, but I want to build the traction mode version, so I have to replace the wheels with a self made 3D printed version. This is still in progress, so stay tuned.
Happy Modelling, Christian
30 January 2022, 09:50

Well, with a little help from my friends I now have 3D printed wheels, based on a drawing I have made🙂
Thx mates 🙂
Happy Modelling, Christian
5 February 2022, 20:09

Looks really good! (and I like FtF models too for same reason 😉 )
5 February 2022, 20:11

Ups, I missed your kind comments. Thx my friends 🙂
Well, meanwhile FtF announced the gun with carriage and wheels for motor traction, but anyway this one is unique 😄
16 March 2022, 18:28

Thank you for your kind words my friend, but isn't it with each model we all built 🙂
17 March 2022, 21:55

Daniel, im Alter fängt Mann an auf größere Maßstäbe auszuweichen 😄
Dankeschön 🙂
17 March 2022, 22:00

you certainly got a point there Christian. but you know, we are all equal, but some are more equal than others 😉
17 March 2022, 22:22

Very cool. What 3D software are you using for the wheel design Christian?
18 March 2022, 18:22

Sure Spanjaard 🙂
@Alec, I just made the sketch. The 3D design was made by a friend. I have no idea what kind of software he used to design it.
18 March 2022, 18:32

Well Alec, after nearly a year I'd like to say thx for the thumb up 😄
Anyhow, the howitzer is finishes as well as some figures painted. Now up to create a little scenery - I hope it will not take another year 😄
Happy Modelling, Christian
13 February 2023, 17:48

Great paint skills!
The chipping is really awesome!
A perfect job in 1/72!!
There's another little base coming, isn't it?!
15 February 2023, 21:45

Thank you to all Scalemates who left a kind note behind 🙂
@Simon, yes there will be a little base with some figures and accessories.
Happy Modelling, Christian
16 February 2023, 21:17

Thank you Bernd and Ralf.
@Ralf, yes that's the plan to present it in Lingen. Looking forward to see you there 🙂
27 February 2023, 19:10