Mitsubishi J2M3 Raiden (Jack) 1977 tool, 2006 box
29 21 April 2022, 10:59

I've now made a start on the J2M3. The internal fuselage (that has no detail) was painted Aotake transparent blue. the main cockpit has also been painted along with the enclosed pilot. 🙂
28 April 2022, 10:20

Added the cockpit to the internal of the fuselage and then glued together. 🙂
Welcome Kyle. 👍
Thanks Villiers, WhiteGlint, Vincent, Kyle & Lukasz for the likes. 👍
1 May 2022, 12:49

Really neat and tidy cockpit, Guy, and I'm curious to see how the pre-shading adjusts the next coats. Watching and learning as always 🙂
30 May 2022, 16:55

IJA Black green added to the top of the aircraft after a coat of IJA Dark black green. 🙂
Welcome Bruce, Moreno, Marcin, Roland and Rui and Marc. 👍
31 May 2022, 13:00

Vallejo gloss varnish added and then the decals applied. 🙂
Thanks for the likes Christian, Jukifo and Djordje. 👍
20 June 2022, 14:54

Undercarriage now added and the red and blue landing lights painted on. 🙂
Thanks for your comment Roland; there were actually more decals but they fell apart so I decided to leave them off! 🙂 👍
Thanks for your likes Neil, Alex R and Mirko, greatly appreciated. 👍
22 June 2022, 13:34

Nice and clean build Guy.
Im surprised to see recessed panellines on such an old tooling, or did you scribe them?
22 June 2022, 13:59

I have now decided to declare this J2M3 complete. The cockpit was a difficult fit. Apart from that, any mistakes are mine. 🙂
Thanks Jan for the kind comment and like. The recessed panel lines are the assembly joins in the wings which do not seem to accept panel line wash well, hence the lack of wash , the rest are raised. 👍
Many thanks for all of your kind comments and likes. 👍
25 June 2022, 09:51

Many thanks Marcin, Kyle, Moreno and Roland for your kind comments. 👍
Thank you Cuajete and Marius for your likes. 👍
26 June 2022, 12:12

Thanks for the likes Marius, Alex K and 2 others, appreciated. 👍
Thanks for the kind comment Alex. 👍
3 July 2022, 22:17