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Djordje Nikolic (djnikcy)

Landwasserschlepper - Trumpeter 1/72

Photo 1 of 9


30 5 June 2022, 19:00
Simon Nagorsnik
 7 October 2023, 15:49
Djordje Nikolic Autor
Thank you Simon!
 7 October 2023, 16:19
WOW fantastic!
 7 October 2023, 16:37
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 7 October 2023, 17:37
Djordje Nikolic Autor
Thank you Gorby and Guy!
 8 October 2023, 04:41
Robert Podkoński
Good job indeed.
 8 October 2023, 06:42
 8 October 2023, 06:54
Top small scale build!
 8 October 2023, 08:43
Rui S
A little gem 👍
 8 October 2023, 12:17
Djordje Nikolic Autor
Thanks guys. Not sure how this post from 2022 resurrected but glad you like it 🙂
 9 October 2023, 04:10

Album info

Landwasserschlepper by Trumpeter in 1/72 scale. This vehicle was intended to be used during the Operation Sea Lion, proposed invasion of UK, which of course never happened. A simple and enjoyable kit, I only added some stowage to make it not as sparse. I made a small base to represent a vehicle that just got out of the water during trials at some beach in France. Weathered with AK wash, pencils and pigments. Model 15 for 2022.

9 imágenes
1:72 German Land-Wasser-Schlepper Early Production (HobbyBoss 82918)

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