Finished - S-75 Dvina (SAM-2)
62 3 July 2022, 10:25

The S-75 surface to ais missile was a real threat for the USAF and USN over North Vietnam. The nice scale 1/72 Hobby Boss kit is easy to built and a good replica of these early SAM system. The SAM and launcher is finished, so I need to have a small base and scenery to present it.
Happy Modelling, Christian
3 July 2022, 10:32

Super! Love it! I have the same kit waiting to be built. I am happy to see such a great model can come out of it!
13 September 2022, 20:42

I started that one but lost motivation. Very nice result you achieved. Nice color variation on the starter. I particularly like how you weathered the deflector.
14 September 2022, 12:04

Thank you all for your kind comments. The finished SAM ist still waiting for a place in a little vignette, but unfortunately I have less time and inspiration at the moment. By the way, there are nice 3D printed crew figures for the SAM mady by Germania-Figuren!
Happy Modelling, Christian
15 September 2022, 09:28

Figures are painted and a wodden base started. Still some groundwork to do, but nearly there.
Happy Modelling, Christian
30 May 2023, 13:44

Christian, good figure painting! Are these those the 3D printed figures from Germania Figuren? I was thinking of a very similar diorama as you with these figures. Would you recommend them, since they are quite expensive (20€)?
30 May 2023, 17:02

Thank you Marius for your kind comment 🙂
Yes, the figures are Germania-Figuren. I can highly recommend their figures, especially their 3D printed figures. The genral printing quality is very good, with only monor steps only to be seen through magnifying glasses. There are 6 or 7 figures in each set, so 20€ (I have 15 - 16€ in my mind?!) is a fair price for good quality and mostly unique figures you will not find somwhere else.
I used figures from Germania-Figuren also on this little scenery:
Finished - M151 Ford MUTT | Album by Christian Bruer (1:72)
30 May 2023, 18:50

Another one for the gallery. The work on the base is done. I first used AK plaster to create the surface texture. It worked quite nice. For the vefeation I used different materials and products including paper plants.
You can see the little scenery and some more on our German Gamblers / Modellschmiede Hämelerwald Club Stand (H-11) at Scale Model Challange 2023 in Veldhoven NL at 14. / 15. October. If you come by say hello.
Happy Modelling, Christian
1 October 2023, 18:28

Whoa! I was completely unaware of this interesting build 😮
As always top notch build!
1 October 2023, 18:53

Łukasz,, most of the time I start something and then it took some years before I finish it, so it could definetely be that you miss something 😄 Thank you for your kind comment 🙂
1 October 2023, 18:58