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Martin Oostrom (Mahoo76)

WIP - Mercedes AMG GT


30 22 July 2022, 18:46
Watching 👍🏽
 22 July 2022, 19:47
Kyle DeHart
Excellent. Happy to follow along. A lovely machine.
 22 July 2022, 21:03
Dominik Weitzer
Following. I liked to build this kit, but was a fast build with glued hood - used the engine for another build.

Looking forward for more 😃
 23 July 2022, 08:23
Following looking forward to see your results
A kit I would love to have
One day lol
 23 July 2022, 08:59
Martin Oostrom Autor
Welcome on this road trip! Today I did some more prep work on some parts. Not much glueing to be done at this stage.
 23 July 2022, 21:44
Dominik Weitzer
The engine is a nice piece and it is sad, that it is covered in the engine bay. That was my intention to not installed it .
Martin, try the fitting of the enginehood. As I've painted mine, it was a really tight fit - no chance to open it when closed.
 24 July 2022, 08:06
Martin Oostrom Autor
Thanks Dominik. I'll have to think of something to open the hood. It would be a shame to ruin the nice fit
 24 July 2022, 08:39
Martin Oostrom Autor
All parts that can be prepped, are. Now everything is back in the box as I didn't take my airbrush an stuff with me on vacation
 26 July 2022, 09:13
 26 July 2022, 12:15
Martin Oostrom Autor
Next prep job: WIP - Chevy Impala | Album by Mahoo76 (1:25)
 30 July 2022, 21:21
Martin Oostrom Autor
2k primer on. An bit rough
 2 December 2023, 18:47
Kyle DeHart
Nice work.
 2 December 2023, 19:09
Martin Oostrom Autor
I love this colour.
 3 December 2023, 16:19
eye catcher for sure? how did you do it?
 3 December 2023, 18:48
Martin Oostrom Autor
Thanks Spanjaard. It is my regular method for cars.
1) Remove mould lines
2) Scribe panel lines
3) Sand the body with 600 grit
4) wash with a bit of dishwasher soap. Rinse well!
5) Airbrush primer. In this case 2k for the hot Zero paints
6) Wet sand the primer with 3000 grit.
7) Rinse again
8) Two thin layers of paint
9) One medium layer of paint
Decals where needed
Two thin layers of clear
One medium layer of clear
 3 December 2023, 19:31
thanks Martin
 3 December 2023, 20:28
Kyle DeHart
Nice tutorial on your paint process. Love the color choice.
 4 December 2023, 04:08
Yes I completely agree whed kyle thanks Martin
Great work sofare
Can't wait to see what it's going to look like
 4 December 2023, 13:06
Martin Oostrom Autor
Painted black, silver and aluminium Friday night.
 16 December 2023, 07:24
Martin Oostrom Autor
Hand painted some details with Vallejo acrylics
 22 December 2023, 13:54
looking really good
 22 December 2023, 21:10
Martin Oostrom Autor
Did some more work.
 4 January 2024, 12:22
Martin Oostrom Autor
Glueing this car is a dream. Because it is a relatively simple kit, almost all parts can be glued from the backside. Most mounting pins are in a through hole.
 5 January 2024, 20:16
Martin Oostrom Autor
 6 January 2024, 16:55
looks good!
 6 January 2024, 22:07
Now that's a cool color.
 6 January 2024, 23:43
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work and a beautiful colour.
 7 January 2024, 06:20
Martin Oostrom Autor
Under the bright light, that car really deserves that colour.
 7 January 2024, 18:16
I would had never chosen that color, bit it certainly looks good!
 7 January 2024, 20:26
Personally, I just love those wheels! I'd like something similar, for my 1:1 car!
 7 January 2024, 20:48
Martin Oostrom Autor
I'd trade my car for this one!
 7 January 2024, 20:49
Martin Oostrom Autor
This is a simple, well engineered kit. Most glue points can be done from the invisible side.
A few lessons:
- glue the grille to the nose, before glueing the nose to the rest of the car. Like the instructions tell you.
- Put the bonnet on, before glueing the dashboard in place. Like the instructions tell you.
- Make sure the dashboard is all the way to the front. Then the marriage of body and undercarriage at the rear is easier.
- the engine isn't really worth the work. It will be hidden in the end.
- The chrome part for the rear light can be cut in two. Less stress to get it just right
 7 January 2024, 21:54
Great result. The color is eye-catching. Shame the engine is hidden from view. It's a bit like the Revell Mercedes SLS kit. I thought about not glueing the plastic engine cover on that one, but then it wouldn't stay in place. Anyway, keep up the good work!
 8 January 2024, 09:14
Maybe a hidden magnet inside the engine and a thin piece of steel, glued to the inside of the engine cover, next time
 8 January 2024, 12:45
Kyle DeHart
Beautiful Martin!! Love the color too.
 8 January 2024, 17:39
Martin Oostrom Autor
And finally some time to take outside pictures: Completed - Mercedes AMG GT | Album by Mahoo76 (1:24)
 24 February 2024, 15:30
Butiful car congratulations
 24 February 2024, 15:40
Jennifer Franklin
Just caught the tail end but WIP was fun to go through.
 24 February 2024, 16:07

Album info

Going green!

58 imágenes
1:24 Mercedes AMG GT (Revell 07028)

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