Fantastic creatures....Ver : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1May 8, 2023 2May 8, 2023 3May 8, 2023 4August 11, 2022Alternative, multi-piece, heads. 5August 11, 2022So, I chose this one. 6August 11, 2022But I also purchased a different kit with the same creature, so this one has the other head. 7May 8, 2023 8May 8, 2023 9May 8, 2023 Comentarios 8 11 August 2022, 09:36Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks, Konrad. These are fun to build, but the front leg joints need filler, to make them look more convincing. 11 August 2022, 15:32Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks for all your 'likes', Hang Li. 🙂 14 August 2022, 21:26Project infoGraggeron & Halseya9 imágenes1:24TerminadoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »