Churchill Mk. VII - Tamiya 1/48

Wow, great Churchill, Djordje!!
You don't see it often.
Did an outstanding weathering job here 👍👍
Also your base is an eye catcher- really convincing

Outstanding. Pulled off a difficult finish (for me at least!) beautifully. Love it.

Thank you all! I tried to do something different and not just build another out of the box marking kit. Using washable white was an interesting experience, definitely to be tested in combination with chipping fluid (first) next time, maybe on an airplane.

Of course, that's true. I'm also no expert in figure painting. Just one hint, good resin figures are easier to paint or you can paint ICM's plane figures. The mechanics wore often an one color overall. That's also easier for the start.

Christian, I think thr key is practice. I do have a resin figure I may try. Also thinking of getting 3D printer to do figures and accessories

Austin I used AK mud mix and applied it with stiff brush. Then I used mud splatter wash and sprinked it on from the sides to simulate small droplets. There are a number of videos on YouTube how to do this

Wow! What an amazing job on this model. Thanks for the description you wrote, and adding the real life photo - interesting. I like that you added the stowage on the sides, just like in the photo.
Did you build the trailer as well?

Jim, i didn't make a crocodille version so this one doesn't have a trailer. Lately I'm trying to build models according to reference photos just to keep it interesting and different. Thank you!
Album info
Churchill Mk. VII by Tamiya in 1/48 scale. I wanted to build something different and was shown this photo of a Churchill tank in winter camouflage. The model was build out of the box with the addition of stowage on both sides of the turret. After painting it in British olive drab I applied MIG washable white acrylic color and then after 1 or so hrs started rubbing it off with wet brush and q tip. Definitely works different than the chipping fluid. I also added some scratches with toothpick as well. Finally I applied dark brown wash and vallejo dark mud on tracks and AK mud splatter on the sides. I built a simple base with the same mud and added some static grass and grass clumps and covered it with white microbaloons mixed with diluted white glue. For molten snow effects I used AK snow sprinkles product. Model 25 for 2022