F22a in flight
95 30 September 2022, 09:48

I am in! Display stan will be own desig? Airfix and icm have 3 types of display stands as i know.
10 October 2022, 20:27

Cracking!! I've built that one- not as accomplished as your build through!!
23 November 2022, 10:42

Vincent, that's such a great progress so far. I was planing the F-22 as well, I will use your build for inspiration.
23 November 2022, 17:55

Thanks everyone!!!. The stealth finish is really hard to do. Probably the hardest scheme yet. @Marius good luck with your f22. Make one is really fun though.
23 November 2022, 19:37

Vincent, that's a very nice progress so far. Loooking for the final result. Cheers! 👌
7 December 2022, 10:55

One of the best approaches on to the Have Glass finish I've seen. Well done.
6 January 2023, 22:40

Thank everyone. This project will be on hold for some time. Unable to use the airbrush at the moment.
7 January 2023, 00:55

Ugh that's a pity, it's not a social compliment: this F-22 surface is one of the best I ever seen.
I'm looking back your album to find out how you handled with it.
Inspiring 👍
7 January 2023, 02:56

Thanks Chan. Getting it to this state was not easy and this is the harderst scheme I tried yet. I'm Looking forward to work on it again.
9 January 2023, 10:26

Me too, I'll definitely follow till the end.
This work should be submitted to journals.
9 January 2023, 10:50

Very nice work. The highlights you set with the dry brush look really good.
30 January 2023, 11:38

Probably the most realistic paint job on a Raptor I've seen. Hats off!
25 April 2023, 18:26

Very beautiful F-22 Vincent, worth the effort!
I will be looking at your gallery again in some years when I will be starting mine, since you did a great job at that metallic effect of the unique F-22 paint.
25 April 2023, 19:52

Thanks everyone. Im also happy with the final paint effect and shine. But I still think I could have done a better job.
25 April 2023, 21:05

Nice, after detail painting you should show us more pics, I got a lot inspiration from your building procedure
26 April 2023, 03:53

I like that it's weathered also, many people build them clean, this is much better if you ask me! Great job Vincent!
26 April 2023, 14:19

Thanks Petar!!! I wasn't sure at first but on internet it looks like the stealth finish gets weathered easily. And it gives a much more interesting finish imo.
26 April 2023, 18:42
Album info
My first try at a stealth jet and my first in flight plane. Hopefully I can get a great 3d printed stand for it.