SAFS Fireball SG "Ghoul Skeleton"Ver : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1November 1, 2022Here you can see a nice view of the Fireball head-on. 2November 1, 2022I was really happy with how the camo pattern turned out. Despite not using Mr. Color paints I feel that I was able to replicate the Ma.K aesthetic well with the Vallejo paints I had on hand. 3November 1, 2022Weathering consisted of a basic round of two-tone chipping and some work with oil paints. I didn't want to try anything too crazy on this suit. Comentarios 7 1 November 2022, 16:33TorstenWell done 👍 3 November 2022, 13:09Dash RendarVery well done, good job! Love how the camo gives it an Orca feel. 😄 3 November 2022, 14:40Luke Holsten AutorThank you! 3 November 2022, 16:25Project infoSAFS Fireball SG "Ghoul Skeleton"3 imágenes1:35TerminadoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »