TBM-3 Avenger
38 30 December 2022, 01:08

Welcome David, Mid Franconian, Roland and James. @ Mid Franconian, the fit has been pretty good except for the engine, it has been a nightmare.
30 December 2022, 17:46

Thanks Clifford! I will follow your build. Want to do an 48 Avenger soon but I am still not sure whether to choose the venerable Accurate Miniatures (to be precise: one of its repops) or the HobbyBoss.
30 December 2022, 17:58

If you get the Hobby Boss one, don't follow the instructions where it tells you to add the front piece of the firewall to the engine mount first. I would close up the fuselage first, then add the front part of the firewall. I followed the instructions and added that part to the engine mounts. It did noot line up correctly and it cocked my engine upward and to the left. So I had to remove the engine and shim it to try and get it straight. So now my cowling does not sit quite right. By leaving that piece off untill you get the nose glued up, will give you some wiggle room. I ordered the Acadmey, TBM-3 Bunker Hill kit today.
31 December 2022, 01:27

I got the flaps and wheel wells painted today, hope to get everything primed tomorrow.
31 December 2022, 22:22

Thank you Nathan. It is all painted now, will do some post shading tomorrow, then apply the clear coat for decals. I will get some more pictures up soon.
10 January 2023, 00:48

Thank you very much Guillaume, James and Guy. Decals are all done and she has legs. Hope to finish it this weekend.
13 January 2023, 23:12

Thank you very much Daniel, the end is in sight, just have weathering to do now. Letting the clear coat cure for a couple of days.
15 January 2023, 00:04

Thank you very much James. Sadly the carpet monster ate the under wing dipole antennas.
27 January 2023, 20:50

Thank you very much Guy, and Daniel. @ James, I expected someone to notice it. Lol. I will learn to put that kind of stuff on last. I am trying to figure out how to put all of the guns on the JU-88 without breaking them all off during assembly. I think I will try and just tac glue the clear parts on, without the guns for painting, then remove them after paint and weathering and then install the guns and clear parts.
28 January 2023, 02:02

What I already wrote about the Ju 88, you always look for the models that require a lot of extra work 😉, with the TBM 3 I would have personally stayed with the accurate miniature shapes, but it's still very nice to see what you've done, congratulations, a great result 👍
28 January 2023, 04:40

That's a nice finish there Clifford. Makes me want to dig out my AM kit.
28 January 2023, 16:08

Thank you very much David and Nathan, for your kind words. @ Nathan, I am thinking about getting an AM TBM-1C or an Acadmey one. I think the Acadmey one is a re-pop of the AM kit. The Hobby Boss one was a challenge to be sure, but very detailed.
28 January 2023, 21:14

Thanks Augie. It may have been because it took me so long to build it, I did not post a lot of in progress pictures. I just took most at the end. I have a JU-88A4 on the bench now.
30 January 2023, 22:33
Album info
Hobby Boss's 1/48 TBM-3 Avenger.