Pan Am "Dixie Clipper"
59 6 March 2023, 04:20

Good work. And good luck. I got so frustrated with the outer vertical stabs, that I filled the ejector holes, sanded the crap out of one of them, then using the un-abused stab as a guide, to re-scribe all of the panel lines and the trim tabs. Then sanded the other stab, and then used the restored lines from the first stab as a scribing guide. Not suggesting others follow my method, but I was in a git-er-done mood.
18 March 2023, 05:52

I find that gently slicing off the sprue goo with a sharp blade is much faster than trying to sand it all off, if having used too much sprue goo. Also, when trying to sand down a bump, there's a risk of sanding past the bump and into the bottom plastic around the bump.
I like using sprue good especially when I want to drill a hole in the plastic, because drilling into a mix of plastic and putty is usually a bad idea, as they aren't equally hard/solid.
18 March 2023, 06:55

I can recommend Vallejo putty for smoothing out the seamlines, best applied with a small brush, maybe mixed with a little water drop, but too thin and there's little/no filling power. One can also add on lots of primer but if the gap it too large that won't work.
25 March 2023, 05:27

I just couldn't get those decals to behave. Everything I did only made things worse, so in the end I decided it was best just to start over. Fortunately I scanned a copy of the decals and will be able to print replacements. This also allows me to mask and paint the black anti glare area and leading edges, which I probably should have done to begin with.
3 April 2023, 02:38

Many years ago, I saw a decal application tip suggested using dilute white glue, aka Elmers. In my case very large decals were going on a flat finish model, The tip is: make a dilute solution of white glue and water. Couple of drops of glue, puddle of water. Apply the solution TO the model. Soak decal till it releases from the paper. Submerge the decal into the puddle on the model. Use cotton swabs to remove the excess water from the decal's surface, but avoid sucking the water out from under the decal with the swab. As you dry the surface of the decal, position the decal as desired. AND, if the decal shifts, or you place the decal incorrectly, and you discover this days later, you can still get the decal to release from the model by application of more water, a damp tissue left ontop of the decal works. Reapply as before. Clear coat the model with the desired type of finish, gloss, flat, semi. I've never had the white glue yellow, even after two decades after finishing the model. I have had aftermarket decals yellow, but not the white glue. This technique works great on models with substantial surface detail. I don't use decal softener, the white glue sucks the decal right down into the recess.
5 April 2023, 02:05

@A.J.Madison: never heard of that before. Will surely try it. Thanks for sharing.
5 April 2023, 14:52

Nice progress. Beautiful pre- and postshading brings this big bird to life.
Time to change the teaser of you album to one of your WIP pics. 😉
Why didn't you paint the orange area straight away after you masked everything so nicely?
11 April 2023, 06:39

Thanks for the old school info on applying decals. Sometimes these technics are better than the newer solutions and almost always cheaper.
11 April 2023, 06:46

@Ogre-Trombone: well, that explains - and excuses - everything, of course. 🙂
11 April 2023, 16:21

I'm agree with michael Kohl.
For the color orange, look here: Bréguet deux ponts F-RSIN 1/144 completed | Album by bozo
orange mister color C059 on white base.
12 April 2023, 07:06

Good tip. Thanks, @Bozo Bozo. I happen to have a jar of the stuff on my shelf.
12 April 2023, 14:44

Learning lots from your endeavours, and am looking forward to the final un-veiling.
15 April 2023, 19:40

crazy work with that masking, but the orange and black lines is looking awesome. better than any decal
16 April 2023, 23:05

I started weathering but soon realized I didn't have the heart for it. I feel like this old bird deserves to be as bright and shiny as the day she was born.
Thank you all for following along with me!
23 April 2023, 00:39
Album info
Work in progress