Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein
March 14, 2023Playing with camo patterns2
March 14, 2023Playing with camo patterns3
March 14, 20234
March 14, 2023Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251 armed with Pak 365
March 14, 2023Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251 armed with Pak 366
March 14, 2023Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251 armed with Pak 367
March 14, 2023Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251 armed with Pak 368
March 14, 2023Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251 armed with Pak 369
March 14, 2023Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251 armed with Pak 36 awaiting decals and weathering10
March 14, 2023Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251 armed with Pak 36 awaiting decals and weathering11
March 14, 202312
March 14, 202313
March 14, 2023Hanomag Sd.Kfz. 251 armed with Pak 36 awaiting decals and weathering with a ketenkrad14
March 22, 2023Assorted panzer Grenadiers15
March 22, 2023Assorted panzer Grenadiers including the head I missed when painting and a resin figure that the nerves have got the better of16
March 22, 2023Assorted panzer Grenadiers17
March 22, 2023Assorted panzer Grenadiers18
April 13, 2023Laying out the basic base with the vehicles19
May 24, 202320
May 24, 202321
May 24, 202322
May 24, 202323
May 24, 202324
May 24, 202325
May 24, 202326
May 24, 202327
May 24, 202328
June 19, 202329
June 19, 202330
June 19, 202331
June 30, 202332
June 30, 2023Poor chap got caught short and will be trying to find a private place33
June 30, 2023Poor chap got caught short and will be trying to find a private place34
July 2, 2023Progress made to the Stug, crew, riders and some of the stowage fitted.35
July 2, 2023Progress made to the Stug, crew, riders and some of the stowage fitted.36
July 2, 2023Progress made to the Stug, crew, riders and some of the stowage fitted.37
July 2, 2023Progress made to the Stug, crew, riders and some of the stowage fitted.38
July 2, 2023Progress made to the Stug, crew, riders and some of the stowage fitted.39
July 2, 2023Progress made to the Stug, crew, riders and some of the stowage fitted.40
July 2, 2023Progress made to the Stug, crew, riders and some of the stowage fitted.41
July 2, 2023Progress made to the Stug, crew, riders and some of the stowage fitted.42
July 2, 2023Basic outline shape of the part destroyed house carved out of foam board and given a basic brick read base. The majority of the house will be rendered with plaster and chipped away to reveal the brick underneath43
July 2, 2023Basic outline shape of the part destroyed house carved out of foam board and given a basic brick read base. The majority of the house will be rendered with plaster and chipped away to reveal the brick underneath44
July 2, 2023Arial view of the house to work out the area for wooden floorboard creation45
July 17, 2023Getting the basic lay out worked out46
July 17, 2023Plenty of room for the pooping man47
July 17, 202348
July 17, 202349
July 17, 2023
7 14 March 2023, 13:59

Ben, yes he is. The plan is to have him inside a partially destroyed building having abandoned the kettenkrad outside in his hurry at being caught short.
1 July 2023, 07:21