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A Second Hind


25 20 April 2023, 21:33
Augie Autor
Started a hind to get back into it after a time away from bench... not going mad with it, out of the box with some mods when needed.. so start with instrument panel
 20 April 2023, 21:35
Eric Thornton
Following, I remember this kit. Fun build when I was a kid.
 20 April 2023, 22:39
Ludvík Kružík
Coincidentally, I started building the same kit at the same time. 🙂 It will be interesting and inspiring for me to follow your building.
 20 April 2023, 22:54
Augie Autor
@Eric, I have another one too, they are decent enough kits..
@Ludvík You'll likely finish before me lol, but maybe the first I did will be inspiration.
 20 April 2023, 23:53
Augie Autor
Instrument panel is finished.. not too bad for a few months away from the bench.
 23 April 2023, 23:38
Augie Autor
Buttoned up and looking good, some minor seem sorting to do, nothing overkill. Typical Monogram.
 2 May 2023, 18:11
Ludvík Kružík
The assembled helicopter fuselage looks very good. 👍 Looking forward to the sequel. 🙂
 2 May 2023, 19:23
Augie Autor
Thanks Ludvik
 2 May 2023, 23:30
Augie Autor
First coat of paint on her, its a unusual scheme, from my bush hinds set, a Serbian machine.
Kinda make sense as my first was an oddball one
 4 May 2023, 14:01
Villiers de Vos
Nice progress.
 4 May 2023, 18:25
Nice, what colors did you use for this one?
 4 May 2023, 18:28
Ludvík Kružík
Nice progress. Serbian colours look attractive on Hind.
 4 May 2023, 21:26
Clifford Keesler
Looking good Aug's.
 4 May 2023, 22:23
Augie Autor
Thanks Guys, its darkened up a lot since this coat, I found the colours indicated were well off after finding some photo's of the originals.

I've added a picture to the project of one of the originals, it shows quite how dark the dark green was.
 4 May 2023, 23:12
Augie Autor
@David Colours as is now..

Brown:- Humbrol 70
Light Green :- Humbrol 78
Dark Green (looks black):- Vellejo Model Colour 70862
 4 May 2023, 23:27
Robert Podkoński
How did I miss that??? Following with pleasure and interest, of course! Good job so far, Augie!
 5 May 2023, 05:59
Augie Autor
Thanks Robert 🙂
 5 May 2023, 12:15
Augie Autor
And now, final coat, the blemish under the cockpit was touch up that had not dried yet.
So now, the colour list as is..

Brown:- Humbrol 70
Light Green/Grey :- Humbrol 129
Dark Green (looks black):- Vellejo Model Colour 70862

 7 May 2023, 00:26
Clifford Keesler
Looks good. What country. I am going to do one of mine in Polish markings, but it is painted in WWII Coastal Command commerative colors.
 7 May 2023, 02:49
Villiers de Vos
Coming along nicely.
 7 May 2023, 03:42
Augie Autor
Thanks Guys 🙂

@Clifford Its Serbian security services.
 7 May 2023, 08:29
Clifford Keesler
That will be nice. The one I am going to do is Czech not Polish.
 7 May 2023, 23:33
Augie Autor
Sealed, weathered, decals.. Not as weathered as they end up being but I wanted it to look reasonably new
 24 May 2023, 12:03
Clifford Keesler
Looks very nice Augie, well done.
 24 May 2023, 19:42
Augie Autor
Thanks Clifford, a little basic but nice to have actually finished at least one this year lol
 24 May 2023, 20:50
Clifford Keesler
I'm sure you will get more done. I have been kind of down on my MoJo also. Having a hard time with the H-19, and have not finished the F-5 either, though all I have to do is paint the pitot tube and finish the weathering.
 25 May 2023, 02:49
Augie Autor
Dirtied it up a little.
 25 May 2023, 08:09
Ludvík Kružík
Nice model in unusual colours. 👍
Your concern that I would finish the model before you was unnecessary. You're going into the finals and I haven't even finished the interior of the helicopter yet.

I have a question. According to the photos, this machine had a newer (and larger) type of sensor on the left side of the nose under the gunner's cabin (when viewed from the front, it is the "egg" to the right of the machine gun). You, however, used the older (and smaller) sensor on your model, which the first versions of the helicopter were equipped with. Was there a reason for this? Don't misinterpret my question, I'm just curious.
 25 May 2023, 09:32
Augie Autor
Hi Ludvík,

So, the other sensor that comes with it is too long and to be honest, I really did not notice that much of a difference between the one I used and the one in the picture so I just assumed it was down to an inaccuracy from the age of the kit.

The colours are nicely unusual for me (not to mention so completely different as what linden hill called for lol)
 25 May 2023, 10:06
Ludvík Kružík
The differences in sensor shape and size between older and newer versions are noticeable. The new sensor is larger, but not as large as in the kit.
I don't know if you want to address this at all, so more for interest, I'm posting a photo of both sensors for comparison:
 25 May 2023, 19:30
Clifford Keesler
Looks good.
 25 May 2023, 21:34
Augie Autor
Thanks Clifford
 25 May 2023, 22:14

Project info

17 imágenes
1:48 MiL Mi-24 Hind (Monogram 5819)

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