An army marches on its stomach...Ver : Diapositivas Mosaico Lista 1May 13, 2023Waiting for the horses.... 2May 13, 2023 3May 13, 2023 4May 20, 2023The milk churns didn't have any handles, so I'm adding some from copper wire. The sides against the churn were filed a little flatter, so hopefully the bond will be better. 5May 20, 2023And now painted. Second churn waiting to be improved. Comentarios 10 13 May 2023, 15:14Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks for your 'likes', Ian and Ingo. 13 May 2023, 21:39Martin OostromBy the look on his face, he could eat a horse! Nice work Bruce 👍🏻 20 May 2023, 15:23Marco GallmannLooks great Bruce 👍 20 May 2023, 15:31Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks, Martin and Marco. Lots more to be done.... 20 May 2023, 16:11Robert Barkoski"When's chow?" Nice work so far. 20 May 2023, 16:52Bruce Huxtable AutorSoon, Robert, soon.... 20 May 2023, 16:58Project infoGulaschkanone5 imágenes1:35En progresoTodos los álbumesVer todos los álbumes »