Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks, Freak. It's a very simple little kit, but fun all the same.
11 June 2023, 16:09
Simon NagorsnikQuite good work for 144!
Yes, i like it 👍
11 June 2023, 16:16
Guy RumpGreat job Bruce, I find it difficult enough to see 72nd scale! 👍
11 June 2023, 17:35
Bas TonnWell done, amazing aircraft
11 June 2023, 17:52
Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks for your feedback, Guy, Spanjaard and Bas Tonn. I'm happy with how it turned out.
11 June 2023, 18:37
Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks, Villiers. This is so small, almost no paint is required!
12 June 2023, 17:45
Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks for your 'likes', everyone.
13 June 2023, 18:07
Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks, Saeed, for your kind comment, and other 'likes'too.
14 July 2023, 21:05
Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks for stopping by, everyone.
22 July 2023, 17:12
NeilLooks great Bruce! 🙂 Fantastic (tiny!) job 👍
24 July 2023, 12:10
Bruce Huxtable AutorMany thanks, Neil. It's a great subject at any scale 😉
24 July 2023, 16:12