Albumes (9)
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12 imágenes
Bandai: Nausicaä riding on Kai
Decisions on colors... I chose 3 Miyazaki illustrations from his watercolors book as my main source choices, instead tha...
Proyecto: Nausicaä riding on Kai
8 imágenes
Bandai HG 089: MS-18E Kämpfer
How it started.
Proyecto: MS-18E Kämpfer (Bandai HGUC 089)
86 imágenes
Hasegawa 1/48 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie with some photoetched parts
Box lid I matted & framed after having Shoji Kawamori (Valkyrie designer) & Hidetaka Tenjin (boxart artist) sign it at O...
42 imágenes
Metal Skin Panic MADOX by Goodsmile
MADOX-01 poster that came with my Animeigo Blu-Ray (art by Mercy Rabbit). Signature & ST-00 (Ellie's "Hammerhead" suit) ...
Proyecto: Metal Skin Panic MADOX-01
22 imágenes
Ray Harryhausen's Rhedosaurus - Soft Vinyl Kit SA9025M
3 of the 4 tail segments! These alone measure about 13" in length!
Proyecto: Ray Harryhausen's Rhedosaurus
56 imágenes
HGUC MS-14F Gelgoog Marine Bandai Spirits | No. 5060966
Initial impressions: The kit is molded in color, for the most part, but the grey seems much darker than the box art and ...
Proyecto: MS-14F Gelgoog Marine (Bandai HG 016)
38 imágenes
RX-93 v Gundam (Bandai RG 32)
I soaked & lightly toothbrushed the parts, this time, in a dish detergent bath with the understanding that it will help ...
Proyecto: RX-93 ν Gundam (Bandai RG 32)