Albumes (10)
Últimos álbumes de proyectos
20 imágenes
Pe-2FT by MisterCraft build log
The void ope is a bit complex to form from styrene, so I am trying the self drying clay again.
Proyecto: Petlyakov Pe-2
71 imágenes
Fieseler Storch build log 1:72
The colour contrasts are pleasing to my eye.
Proyecto: Fieseler Fi 156 Storch
37 imágenes
The little Revell Fokker
And done!
I will do a proper photo shoot soon in a new album.
Proyecto: Revell Fokker DVII
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2 imágenes
Stash for swap
All kit contents are in factory sealed bags in "as new" condition, except for the Dauntless as described below.
All kit...