Albumes (15)
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28 imágenes
My Childhood Builds
Finally - After 4 years searching eBay, bidding unsuccessfully on the three or 4 that came up, even built ones, I have r...
Proyecto: My Childhood Builds
72 imágenes
69 Camaro
Quite happy with the look of these, will work nicely for custom builds.
Proyecto: 69 Camaro
24 imágenes
My Work Area
It's evolved again. Added one of the Black trolleys that's been in my garage for 25 Years, perfect height and size to ex...
Proyecto: My Work Bench & Area
4 imágenes
Acquisitions and Mergers
A Job lot of Impalas I just got from ebay. Not sure if built by one builder who started 5 kits and didn't finish, or 5 I...
Proyecto: Acquisitions & Mergers
11 imágenes
Incom T65 X-Wing - 1/63
looks ok with S-foils in attack position (ish)
Proyecto: X-Wing Fighter - 1/63
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