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Thomas Kolb (Mimoid)

Yak-11 'Ölyv' - RS Models

October 8, 2021
November 28, 2021

Just when I decided not to get any more kits until I have finished at least three projects, I got this kit as a gift. Well, the kit was free, the aftermarket sets were not...

The Yakovlev C-11 was used in the Hungarian People's Army as a trainer under the name 'Ölyv' (pronounced 'ˈøjv'), meaning Buzzard - a bit more appealing than its NATO code name 'Moose'.

AFAIK no color photos exist of the aircraft in the original Hungarian livery. The aircraft I intend to build is number 19, which can be found restored to its former glory in the Szolnok RepTár aviation museum.

Inventario de proyectos

Kits completos
Yak-11 / C-11 "Moose"
RS Models 1:72
92166 2014 Nuevas calcas
Conjuntos para detallado y conversión
Yakovlev Yak-11/C-11 open/closed RS Models
Rob-Taurus 1:72
72082 201x
Yak-11/ Let C-11 RS Models
Brengun 1:72
BRL72088 2015 Nuevos moldes
Yak-11 / C-11 RS Models
Yahu Models 1:72
YMA7246 2015
Yakovlev Yak-11 RS-model
Montex 1:72
SM72236 2015 Nuevos moldes

Álbumes de fotos

71 imágenes
Yak-11 'Ölyv' - RS ModelsView album, image #71
Ready for an evening flight above Szolnok.
1:72 Yak-11 / C-11 "Moose" (RS Models 92166)1:72 Yakovlev Yak-11/C-11 open/closed (Rob-Taurus 72082)1:72 Yakovlev Yak-11 (Montex SM72236)2+

Parte de mi Colección

Hungarian Air Force
Ideas 13×En progreso 3×Terminado 15×En espera 1×Cancelado 1×


19 July 2020, 22:36
Łukasz Gliński
Following, curious how much better designed is the RS kit compared to the one I built some time ago.
 20 July 2020, 11:23
Thomas Kolb Autor
Judging by the unassembled kit, it looks really neat, with a well thought out molding gate pattern and no particular flash. Some ejector pin parks here and there, but at hidden places. The interior is a bit sparse, but I ordered aftermarket stuff for it. The canopy is a one piece affair (closed), so I ordered a vac-formed open canopy. The decals look outstanding. It should be a pretty simple build really (but a rather ugly aeroplane).
 20 July 2020, 12:18
Łukasz Gliński
Can't disagree more on your last comment 😛
 20 July 2020, 12:38