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Jakko ‌ (Jakko)

Albumes (41)

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34 imágenes
Piranha PWI-GRView album, image #34Nuevo: 30 March, 12:51
The gunner is from Sylly’s Mini Models, but with his legs sawed off so he fits.
1:35 LAV-25 Air Defence (Italeri 6274)1:35 LAV Series 8x8 Tires (325/85 R16 XML) (Trumpeter 06607)1:35 YPR765-PRI (AFV Club AF35S14)
36 imágenes
Old-school Panzer IIView album, image #36
Uniforms also painted. The figures look OK from a distance but not up close like here — I think the shadows especially a...
1:35 Panzerkampfwagen II Ausf. F/G (Tamiya 35009)1:35 Infantry Weapons Set (Tamiya MM211)
26 imágenes
Tamed Panther: "Cuckoo"View album, image #26
On the real Cuckoo the left, the two lower tubes were not present, going by photos. Neither of the tool racks is finishe...
Proyecto: Tamed Panther
1:35 Sd.Kfz.171 Panther G Early Production (Dragon 6622)1:35 Zimmerit PANTHER G, M-N-H Pattern (Atak Model 35039)1:35 Workable Track Links (Rye Field Model RM-5014)1+
8 imágenes
17-pounder Valentine SP ("Archer")View album, image #8
Working on the crew. The loader comes with the kit, the gunner is under construction from Bronco parts, which are not ea...
1:35 Archer (Tamiya 35356)1:35 AFV Crew (Bronco CB35098)1:35 Armoured Car Crew (MiniArt 35387)
37 imágenes
Early M2 half-track carView album, image #34
The M2 HB machine gun is from an RFM Sherman VC kit as I thought it’s better than the one that came with this halftrack ...
1:35 M2A1 Half-Track (Dragon 6329)1:35 M3 Scout car road wheels (Firestone) (Panzer Art RE35-668)1:35 Shaving Private O'Ryan (Bravo-6 B6-35120)
15 imágenes
B-WingView album, image #11
After completing the cockpit and adding the decals, the model is done.
Proyecto: B-Wing
1:72 B-Wing Starfighter (Bandai 0230456)
30 imágenes
Churchill Mk. VIView album, image #30
I also completed painting this street corner by DioDump today, so I thought I’d photograph the Churchill on it, too. The...
1:35 Churchill Mk VI (AFV Club AF35S52)1:35 Track Link for Churchill (Workable) (AFV Club AF35156)1:35 AFV Crew (Bronco CB35098)4+

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