Albumes (32)
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17 imágenes
Tamiya Semivente M42
My son found this Tamiya model at a hobby shop by where my dad lives. I started this kit, and then brought it over to my...
Proyecto: Semovente M42 da 75/34
8 imágenes
Snow Ski Boat Thingy
This is 100% my sons project. I have not done any of the work, this is all him.
Proyecto: Aerosan RF-8/GAZ-98
24 imágenes
Revell ME 262
I really wanted to start an aircraft model, as I have been building armor kits for awhile now, and I couldn't make up my...
Proyecto: Me262 A-1/A-2
10 imágenes
Copper State Models French AC Mod.1914 
My son built this kit. I really love Copper State Models kits, but have not actually built one myself yet. I love everyt...
Proyecto: Copper State Models French AC Mod. 1914
33 imágenes
Border Model Bf109 G-6
I have been watching Nigel build his Border Model's JU-56 Stuka on his YouTube channel, and it inspired me to build my B...
Proyecto: Border Model Bf109 G-6
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