Albumes (8)
Últimos álbumes de proyectos
15 imágenes
Mosquito FB.VI 'Amiens Prison Raid'
The fuselage, wings and cockpit aasembled and glued together. And of course I knocked one of the gun barrels off...
Proyecto: Mosquito FB.VI 'Amiens Prison Raid'
31 imágenes
F-117A Stealth Nighthawk
Okay, and then after a coat of extra flat varnish the landing gear is completed...
Proyecto: F-117A Stealth Nighthawk
8 imágenes
Deutsche Bundesbahn 50 2274 mit Kabinentender
This is the status of the kit since I stopped modelling a lot of years ago.
12 imágenes
Focke Wulf Ta 152 H
Not the best kit, but the result is not too bad.
Proyecto: Focke Wulf Ta 152 H