BuscarTodas las seccionesMaquetas» Reseñas» Instrucciones» MarcasUtensiliosPinturasMercado---LibrosRevistasWalkarounds---GaleríaProyectosCompañerosMarcasTiendasSitiosTemasResultados encontrados: 18 Battleship Scharnhorst-class Barcos » Buques de guerra | 1938–1943LibrosDie Schlachtschiffe der Scharnhorst-KlasseGerhard Koop, Klaus-Peter Schmolke 1991 The Battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Vol. IIMiroslaw Skwiot, Mariusz Motyka 2022 The Battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Vol. IMirosław Skwiot, Mariusz Motyka 2020 Der Untergang der Scharnhorst Kampf um die Rußland-Konvois 1943 A. J. Watts 1997 Battleship Scharnhorst The Crew Photo Album Randall S. Shoker 1999 The German Battleship GneisenauSiegfried Breyer 1990 The German Battleship ScharnhorstSiegfried Breyer 1990 Battleship Scharnhorst Conway Maritime Modellers Gerhard Koop, Klaus-Peter SchmolkeThe Battleship ScharnhorstStefan Dramiński 2021 The Sinking of the Scharnhorst The German Account Friz-Otto Busch 2004 Scharnhorst and GneisenauShipCraft No. 20Steve Backer 2012 The Battleship GneisenauSuper Drawings in 3D No. 16014Mariusz Motyka, Mirosław Skwiot 2013 ScharnhorstSuper Drawings in 3D No. 16007Mariusz Motyka, Grzegorz Nowak 2010 The German Battleship GneisenauTopdrawings No. 40Mariusz Motyka 2016 Scharnhorst The German Battleship Topdrawings No. 35Mariusz Motyka 2016 Schlachtschiff Scharnhorst Eine Bild- und Plandokumentation Gerhard Koop, Klaus-Peter Schmolke 1991 Kriegsmarine ScharnhorstWarship Pictorial No. 36Steve Wiper 2011 Battleships of the Scharnhorst classGerhard Koop, Klaus-Peter Schmolke 2014 /es/search.php?fkSECTION%5B%5D=Books&q=Battleship%20Scharnhorst-class