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Uncle Bills Hobby

Uncle Bills Hobby
Esta tienda está fuera del negocio.


Uncle Bills Hobby
Calgary CA
Scale Modeling Shop (Mailorder only)
Acerca de:
Uncle Bill's Hobby was run by Rick Chin when he was alive. It was a model shop dedicated to bringing you the latest kits, books, magazines, and accessories or those hard to find kits that you can't seem to find anywhere. When it was open we had one of the largest selections of current or out of production plastic model kits and accessories in the country. So large that we couldn't even fit it all on the shelves. Unfortunately with the passing of Rick, the store was shut down. Nowadays we have a few kits left in the oddest places that Rick had stashed them. If you are looking for something in particular, don't hesitate to ask us if we have it.
tienda en línea:

Gamas de colores

The available color ranges in this shop are not yet known

Gama de productos

You can find products from following scale modeling companies in the shop:

The product range of this shop is not known


1 mates were shopping regularly at Uncle Bills Hobby in Calgary.

Jason Chin UncleBillsHobby
This shop is out of business.