Revell | No. H-310 | 1:72

Liittyvät tuotteet
Detail and Conversion sets
Suunniteltu: Same Product family
Suunniteltu: Generic

Torpedo Tube Breech Doors for PT boats (set of 4) for Elco or Higgins PT boats.
Model Monkey 1:72
72-Breech Doors-4 2017 Uusi työkalu 
Torpedo Tubes for PT boats, empty for Elco or Higgins boats.
Model Monkey 1:72
72-torpedo tubes-fwd 2016 Uusi työkalu 
Torpedo Tubes for PT Boats, fully loaded for Elco or Higgins PT boats
Model Monkey 1:72
72-torpedo tubes-aft 2016 Uusi työkalu 
37 mm US Army Anti-Tank Gun with Photoetched Brass
White Ensign Models 1:72
PE 7216 2004 Uusi työkalu Multi-aihe (2)Suunniteltu: Unknown

PT Boat Weapon Set No.2 - Twin 12.7 mm AA Brownings 2 printed pcs
CMK (Czech Master Kits) 1:72
N72031 (129-N72031) 2023 Uusi työkalu Multi-aihe (3)
PT Boat Weapon Set No.5 - 37 mm M4 Autocannon
CMK (Czech Master Kits) 1:72
N72042 (129-N72042) Multi-aihe (3)Figures
Suunniteltu: Same Product family

Crew for Revell PT-Boat
Hecker & Goros 1:72
KSHG 216 Suunniteltu: Unknown

U.S. Navy Crew für Schnellboot PT 109 (Pacific) 1941
Hecker & Goros 1:72
KSHG 210 201x Uusi työkalu Multi-aihe (2)Masks
Suunniteltu: Unknown

USN PT boat Zebra camouflage
Gator Paint Mask 1:72
80' Elco PT Boats - General Details
Warbird Decals 1:72