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MiG-19S - Egypt - 1967
And finished.
In the end there were indeed black identification stripes also on the MiG-19s (there are recently publishe...
projekti: MiG-19S - Egypt - 1967
103 15 January 2022, 21:05

Interesting... I also have a KP MiG-19 in my stash.
Great job so far 👍
30 June 2022, 17:49

Need to follow this! Thanks for the hints you give during the build.
30 June 2022, 18:41

Following on. Love the detailed descriptions and the history. What's the opinion on the KP kit overall would people consider it amongst the best MIG-19 in 1:72.
22 July 2022, 06:23

Thank you for the interest and for the following guys!
@Gary, having done some research myself and having checked also the Mistercraft (Plastyk) or Bilek kits I can assure you guys this new tool from KP models is indeed the best in 1:72. But this of course does not mean it'a perfect. The interior is quite spartan and representing the fully open canopy can be challenging since some parts are missing for that. Also this one special and obvious bulge around the main aerodynamic brake (lower fuselage) is too subtle or small. Otherwise with a bit of work (nothing too much) you can get a great model out of this kit. There are in the mean time so many aftermarket parts available for this kit.
22 July 2022, 20:49

Marius, you are doing a wonderful job. Thank you for the indications about the quality of the model.
Recently ClearProp announced a new tool for the Mig-19 and given the quality of the molds that this brand has, I suppose it will be the best Mig-19 to date, although I think this will be another different version from those of KP::
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 (Clear Prop! TBA72-2022C, 1:72)
I follow with great interest the progress of your great work 🙂 👍
23 July 2022, 17:07

Thank you Cuajete for the interest!
Yes, I was aware of the announcement for this new tool. It seems Clear Prop! might release the very cool MiG-19PM version, which has the all-weather radar (different nose) and different weapons pylons and equipment. Overall, it's an improved version of the MiG-19S, which was only a day-time fighter-bomber.
Nevertheless, Clear Prop! also announced a new tool of the MiG-23 two years ago and since then I haven't read or heard any further news. I am assuming it will take another 2-3 years for the MiG-19PM as well, maybe longer. Until then, one can try to borrow the PM nose from the Bilek kit and adapt it to the KP kit, but I have no idea how well that will work.
24 July 2022, 14:50

Thanks guys. Marius sorry to hijack your thread there. Now back to watching your build unfold 👍
26 July 2022, 15:38

Some progress after vacation: main color with some shading finally applied.
The landing gear is in work now.
6 August 2022, 16:07

Hope to get supported soon by your Mig 😁
Like your process so far!
If I have understood correctly, it`s without camo, right?
Kind of a pity i think...
However, wainting for your final pics!
17 August 2022, 17:13

Thank you guys, nice as always.
@Simon: yes, that is correct, there is no camouflage, although I wish it was. The MiG-19 in the service of Arab Air Forces is widely missunderstood.
The very early MiG-19s were just in their natural metallic finish, while only Iraq and eventually Egypt for a very small number of aircraft received the MiG-19s in this grey color. And that's it! There was nothing else. There is absolutely not even ONE photographic proof or any story/interview stating that any MiG-19 had camouflage painting in the service of Egypt or Iraq. Egypt started applying camouflage painting only after 1967, while I understood that the MiG-19s remained untouched and were anyway swiftly retired afterwards.
Check out these very cool profiles:
Upper right, the number #3 (btw, Egypt aquired Shenyangs "only" 10-15 years later, so the instructions refer maybe to a MiG-19S).
Or these ones:
Guess what, none of these ever existed.
Also, check these ones out for Syria. The first one is particularly cool:
Or this one below, which I really wanted to do for my second MiG-19:
Guess what, Syria did not even operate the not even one, so all of these Syrian profiles are pure invention. Syria did order MiG-19s, but they went to Egypt instead and never even landed in Syria.
I really start to wonder who makes all of these profiles 😆👍.
19 August 2022, 14:03

It must have been someone who is bored or with a lot of imagination 😛
Unfortunately I have the box with the profiles of the first photo you linked. So please... Could you tell me which of them one is true? 😄
19 August 2022, 17:09
Here's one Mig 19 that apears to have camouflage paint, I don't know anything else about this pic.
20 August 2022, 06:46

Thank you Oleg very much! Next week there will be more progress hopefully.
@Jan: thank you for the photo, but that is a Shenyang from the early 80s. Check this link with the color version of the photo:
Check this one out too, even the serial number is almost identical, only the last two digits differ, confirming they were from the same batch from China:
or this one from the Bright Star exercise in 1982:
Notice the additional parachute container under the tail in all of these photos from above, which the MiG-19S did not have. All KP kits offer two parts for this container as well.
As indeed mentioned at the end of my main text, the Shenyang received indeed proper camouflage after delivery in 1980s and looks very cool indeed. But yes, this has unfortunately nothing to do with the actual MiG-19s from the 1960s.
The numbers #1 and #2 did indeed exist, with the mention that those identification stripes of number #1 were black with no white in between.
For the number #2 you even have a photograph:
20 August 2022, 07:12

Marius, my bad, I came across this picture, as I said I did not know anything about it.
20 August 2022, 11:27

Thank you Csaba for following!
@Jan: absolutely no problem. It was good you indirectly brought that topic up. I also got very confused at the begining with all those photos from the 80s. I really wished all along that a picture of an Egyptian MiG-19 with camouflage from the mid 60s might show up. Same with Syrian MiG-19s.
Btw, whoever is interested, this new publication offers plenty of new interesting information, unique and rare photographs and color profiles:
Book: MiGs in the Middle East (by David Nicholle, Tom Cooper)
It's the book I mentioned several times during my Syrian MiG-21F-13 build:
(MiG-21F-13 - Syria - 1967 | Album by Redicus (1:72)
At page 60 you have an awesome picture from 1966 with two Egyptian MiG-19s in flight photographed from above (grey like my model but also with black identification stripes). At page 62 there is another photograph with one of the ex-Iraqi MiG-19s one ground with the large visible white inscription. At page 36 there is a color profile of one of those MiG-19s from 1967 (Six Day War) in the same grey color.
20 August 2022, 13:23

Such nice and clean paintwork, I really like that careful but effective weathering effect on the panels.
27 August 2022, 09:50

Super build- super finish and great to see your references behind the construction.
4 September 2022, 08:14

Thank you guys so much for the nice words as always. I did my best with the research and I think this should be it.
The finish itself is on the other hand not perfect unfortunately, I am still finding mistakes in the pictures....just know.
4 September 2022, 18:08

A good final!
Nice interior and good work with the panel lines 👍
4 September 2022, 18:21

Beautifu, Mariusl!! You have done an incredible job. I wish mine turned out half as good as yours.
4 September 2022, 18:50

Thank you so much guys, Simon, Roland, Cuajete, Michael, Lukasz and Oleg, you are all too kind!
There will a further MiG-19 (actually an early Chinese copy), this time Vietnamese. I am still waiting for a specific resin part to arrive.
5 September 2022, 20:22

Thank you Rui and Neil!
@Lukasz, that would be nice indeed, but I am not aware of any kit for the trainer in 1:72, but maybe I am mistaken. By the way, there was no double seater for the MiG-19, only the Chinese developed the trainer version, the Shenyang FT-6. Before that, basic training was done on the MiG-15UTI, while type conversion to MiG-17s or MiG-19s was done on ground.
7 September 2022, 05:49

That's the one I meant. The only kit info I have ever seen regarded a resin RVHP conversion:
SCM Search: Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-19 Farmer ft-6*
7 September 2022, 08:48

Amazing Result ! Your Mig-19 is very nice !! 🙂 I really like your weathering... Congratulations !!
7 September 2022, 11:20

Thank you so much! It was indeed an unique subject I enjoyed working on.
1 February 2023, 20:29

Great thread and great result, I'm now itching to add a KP Mig-19 to my stash (a lot of required aftermarket)
29 October 2023, 09:28

Thank you mates!
It's not perfect, could have been a bit better here and there.
Clement: I also have the MiG-19PM from KP and I am planning to build it too. For the Soviet MiG-19S, there are only extremely few colorful schemes you can make, since most of them were in NMF. The Chinese copy, the Shenyang J-6 had a couple of interesting camouflage patterns in the PLAAF, Pakistani and after 1980 also in Egyptian service. I chose to do mine in a NMF in Vietnamese service: MiG-19S (Shenyang J-6) - Vietnam - 1972 | Album by Redicus (1:72)
30 October 2023, 13:57

Great job on this build Marius, came across it during my research for my MiG-19 build. Thank you for a great wip, saved me much anguish 👍
17 December 2024, 14:20

Thank you Alec! Happy it helped you a bit.
Personally I am a bit unhappy regarding a couple of details I didn't work well enough, but I will be doing a metallic MiG-19PM in some months where hopefully all these lessons learned will be implemented. Maybe I will follow your example with all those deployed aerodynamic brakes. The one beneath the fuselage is particularly badly represented in the kit, so you did a good job at not leaving it that way.
1 17 December 2024, 16:30