Kierre aloitti gorby

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Let me introduce you to my first and ONLY attempt to model a tank with a full interior.
projekti: Panther A w/Zimmerit & Full Interior
120 23 April 2022, 07:57

gorby you'r a brave one for sure, i wouldn't attempt this in 35th scale let alone 48th. however the end result is beautiful, well worth the trouble me sez! 👍👍👍
23 April 2022, 17:15

Thanks Murad. I'm not sure about brave. Maybe if I knew what I was taking on. Foolish would be much more appropriate. 🙂
24 April 2022, 13:07

Congrats and my respect for this Gorby!
You did an awesome job here👍
Out and inside are just real eycatcher!
I'm amazed😁
22 May 2022, 14:45

Thanks Rui, John & Simon. 🙂
It really is an excellent kit - but make sure you carefully read the instructions and engage your brain as it's easy to stuff it up.
22 May 2022, 15:15

Gorby: it´s the result and the qualitiy that count, all´s well that ends well! May be your early quick builds were not quite as good as the late ones?
24 August 2022, 10:29

Thanks mates I'm glad you like it.
Neuling: One day I might get to be as good a modeller as you. Obliviously it won't be in this lifetime...perhaps the one after next. 😄
24 August 2022, 16:32

Nice build, Gorby!
Any problems with zimmerit during priming? Which primer did you use?
24 August 2022, 20:07

Oh, man! After seeing all the trouble you had with interior it's cool that you didn't drop the build.
24 August 2022, 20:33

Thanks mates. 👍
Random Penguin: I used a cheap rattle-can plastic primer from Halfords (a car accessories retailer) without any problems at all – other than the Zimm decals are quite brittle.
I never give up on a build – don't think 'cool' think 'unhealthy obsession'. 😉
25 August 2022, 08:47

there are much worst obsessions out there, my deal gorby. i think you have a good one 🙂
25 August 2022, 10:43

I fixed the zimmerit on my kit by melting it down with plastic glue, so I wasn't sure if it would hold up to a can of primer. But since you say that everything is OK, then I probably will try. It's a pity I don't have much left of zimmerit except for Suyata's logo - there is almost nowhere to check how the chemistry will react with it.
25 August 2022, 16:05

It didn't occur to me there would be a problem with the primer and fortunately there wasn't. Give it a go and you'll probably find the same.
(PS If it's a disaster, I can delete this comment can't I?) 😄
26 August 2022, 14:27

I might need to give it some time until the mental scars heal. 😄
I'm more into 1/72 armour now (it's all Zsolt's fault I tell you!) and if anyone suggests building a 1/72 tank with an full interior, I won't be responsible for my actions. 😉
26 August 2022, 14:46

Really liking the results, Gorby 🙂 Your notes and comments ring true for soo many of us, I'm sure 🙂 Ah, impetuous youth, where are you now...? Our discerning 'eye' is so much more developed, I'm sure, but the satisfaction of doing a nice job is the same 🙂 (I still kick myself when clumsy fingers break off fragile parts.....)
26 August 2022, 15:05

John: I've concluded that any right-thinking person would agree that a tank model with a full interior is a ludicrous concept at whatever scale – 1/72 & 1/76 scale doubly so. Obviously if you don't agree I'm not going to categorise you as right thinking and therefore can be safely ignored. 😉
Thanks Bruce, I've reached the stage where I know when gluing a fragile part on that it's without doubt going to get broken off at some later point in the build. I find it always helps to have some favourite swear words on hand.
26 August 2022, 15:49

Thanks for your comment Mick, glad you like it.
As to best tank, Al Murray doesn't agree. 😄
Youtube Video

4 September 2023, 16:12

A+ really nice finish. Loooove it. And the riger modelis joke had my laughing so hard i cried 🤣
6 October 2024, 20:09

Really impressive Gorby, congrats, and congrats also for the jokes, i can only imagine the patience it took to finish it so well...
7 October 2024, 17:19

Very nicely executed 'effort' as you call it. I think the colour scheme comes out very well with the subtle camouflage patches. You built the model in a 2-month time frame but do you have any idea how many hours you put into it?
8 October 2024, 09:32

Thanks for taking the time to comment Bohrmann. 🙂
Some days I might have work on it for 3 hours and then it might be half an hour or nothing, so it's difficult to say with any accuracy how many hours it took. I do know that I spent a surprising amount of time cleaning up the parts, there are a lot of ejector pin marks and a significant mould line on many parts.
Having said that it's an amazing kit which really pushed me to the limit of my (limited) skills.
8 October 2024, 10:06

Lovely lovely work. I like your camo painting and the interior details are great
13 October 2024, 19:40

Thanks very much Mr James. 🙂
And thanks to all who have 'liked'. 👍
14 October 2024, 06:37

Absolutely superb work, the colour and depth of shading and shadow you've achieved is excellent.
Congratulations on your one and only full interior kit.....go on,you've got to do another.....👏👏👏
Watto. 🍻
14 October 2024, 07:36

Wow thanks Nik, if I did any of that with the painting it was purely accidental. 😄 😄
No further full interior tanks are planned as I still clearly remember the pain.
14 October 2024, 07:40

Look mate, say what you wish but what you have created is a piece of brilliance. I have just replied to your earlier post, it is a thing of beauty, I have had 99% where I always mess up on lining up and fitting process but honestly I feel my product finish is ok. I love what you did with the interior, I always wish that when it comes to model manuals we get more steps on interior colours - just a minor point because honestly I just love making models full stop!
1 26 January, 01:11

Thanks very much Chris! 🙂
The Suyata instructions were actually quite impressive and helpful with the interior colours, although I didn't have the exact paints they suggested I just used the nearest Tamiya acrylic equivalent.
I'll get around to replying to your other post later – preferably when my brain is awake. 🙂
26 January, 07:38

For me the color guide was not enough lol
It wasn`t exactly matched between rear and front view and it confused me
1 6 February, 05:45