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Kierre aloitti bozo

lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
54 2 November 2022, 17:57
Alex K
Something interesting to follow... Good luck with this! 👍
 4 November 2022, 00:41
Lochsa River
sittin' in!
 4 November 2022, 09:59
Thomas Bischoff
I am in - have a soft spot for flying boats 👍
 25 November 2022, 20:41
Bozo kirjailija
So am I
 26 November 2022, 07:00
Robert Podkoński
Joining the party!
 15 December 2022, 17:46
Bozo kirjailija
Work on engines I didn't like
 7 January 2023, 16:49
I am in, no doubt 🙂
 25 January 2023, 21:54
 26 January 2023, 07:00
Great start, taking a seat!👍🏻
 9 August 2023, 08:59
David R. Meizoso
Nice engine work, I'm in too!
 9 August 2023, 13:24
Michael Kohl
Looking good.
 9 August 2023, 15:31
Łukasz Gliński
Very cool topic, following.
Wasn't aware there's a Sandringham kit out there, good to know, I might go for the Ryanair one at some point in time 😉
 31 December 2023, 23:18
Alex K
Glad to see progress on this one! 👍
 24 February 2024, 15:44
Jennifer Franklin
It's a very cool subject; The first decals look lovely. Following.
 24 February 2024, 16:05
Alex K
Glad you pressed on and overcame the decal adversity! 👍
 7 March 2024, 20:24
Alex K
Chapeau!!! 👍 👍
 20 May 2024, 20:25
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely finish 👍
 20 May 2024, 21:03
Robert Podkoński
Awesome job! Chapeau bas!
 21 May 2024, 05:04
 21 May 2024, 07:39
Bozo kirjailija
Thanks folks
 21 May 2024, 08:28
Mr D
Nice job..👍👍
Like the engine's you made up.
Did you finish the Little HB white Yak kit ??
 23 September 2024, 19:10
Jennifer Franklin
Oh my goodness, I love the dio, and the plane turned out beautifully. Thanks, Mr. D for bringing this back into my feed.
 25 September 2024, 00:39
Air no
Très joli ce diorama. Pas facile le travail de l'eau, mais là, c'est parfait. Félicitations.
1  19 February, 11:02

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