Kierre aloitti Tupp

Depressing to see Z-Swastikas in the open like this. Russian fascists are trying to profit from their war. Just boycott, there are other models for those who want them.
12 26 January 2023, 15:49

True and i would not buy it either - but: Swastikas from the Third Reich are also sold in Modelkits and as seperate Decals (which i also don't buy or use). No one is complaining there. I think everyone should decide for themselfes.
26 January 2023, 16:02

Yes, I am sure most of us would boycott kits made in the third reich during that time as well. That's the difference: they are directly profiting from it now.
26 January 2023, 16:07

If "cancel culture" means boycotting products from and for a nation killing and raping civilians and illegally occupying another nations land, then yeah I guess. Let's pretend ISIS took over Syria and a Syrian company put out Califate model kits, would you support them and even give them your money?
27 January 2023, 08:19

One could argue that the US invading Iraq was illegal as well, or at least without the wmd cause. And I'm pretty sure some civilians were killed back then. It didn't stop many western modellers from building M1's, Tornado's, etc. etc. from western model makers.
It might just be a matter of perspective.
If you don't want to buy it, don't.
But there might be a few guys in Russia who think otherwise.
27 January 2023, 10:13

Yah, let them buy that s...*? I'm sure the United States Army has the same raping history that ruskys have..., and of course the United states Army targeted especially:
- Maternitys;
- Schools;
- Hospitals;
- Maternitys;
- Super markets;
- civilian facilities;
- and so on and on...
Just the same. N.P.
One bad justify the other and let's wash your hands.
Sick and tired of listening to, and reading such escuses and nonsense arguments to justify just a tiny littly specialny opreationny that went so great since the begining 😮
Maybe in the near future they will make a kit of a big cemetry with the hundred thousend cross with that letter on them. maybee that would be a sucess.
27 January 2023, 23:33

This is a modeling network and, in my opinion, should be treated as such. We may not like certain symbols but they are part of our present and past.
What I DO NOT accept is hypocrisy. War is war and it is served with "collateral", always. If we list all the crimes History has witnessed we shouldn't build anything anymore starting with artillery systems used to drop phosphorus over Falluja or B-29s carrying "white stars" on their fuselage, without going to far behind in Time...
So, imho, we should refrain, on this social, to start arguing on these matters otherwise we risk to enter a dangerous spiral.
Buy, build, share, enjoy.
27 January 2023, 23:49

Its more, burn the invaders, the only good one, is the burned one. You see? its funnnnn.
27 January 2023, 23:51

Thanks Roland for that statement. It was overdue! I can't stand people talking about "Tim doesn't want these arguments on this board" and still continue to argue. Leave this matter of this board. Completely!!!
28 January 2023, 07:57

This is not about decals. I don't give a damn about that. and all this "discussion" is contra productive in that respect. Just ignore this symbols and I would have done that, that's what we all should do. I would have done that But... I'm not you. I don't like war so go tattoo a Rambo in your forhead. Or better yet I know you prefer this letter, so why not.
This is about the so called "freedom of speech" flag that is thrown here by some hypocrites and also about beautiful Avatars, remember...
So I can't stand the world owners with nonsense arguments, to justify the unjustifiable and trowing sand to eye of inocent people, leave them of for other forums yah and don't feed this like if you have all the reason and so to speak stop the hypocrisy. Just saying.
28 January 2023, 11:09

You know what, I am going to build a UAZ 469, it's a very interesting subject.
28 January 2023, 11:18

I'd really like you roland to experience the same as people in Ukraine are experiencing. And then see you defend that low iq symbol. But yeah, keep spitting that suppressed ruscism behind your "free speech" banner.
2 February 2023, 14:35

And I'd like you to share some of your projects/pic about your modeling works, if there's any, of course.
2 February 2023, 14:52

The Freedom of speech flag, his just for them, because when others practice it, they most go to other forum's to say their right arguments.
Their good argument is "if some one has kill before , why can't they kill too?" with that, we can see the caliber of their freedom of speech.
You want to see my projects/pic about my modelling works too? Be welcome
Go ahead gulf your UA.... I sure will totally ignore it, or not. Depends on the freedom of speech
2 February 2023, 15:08

Would be also cool to censor some folks comments on trying to sound edgy by using inappropriate language. Creates toxic environment.
2 February 2023, 16:30

I already asked him in a pm. Hope he reacts soon. Too much hatred here. Have to go . Bye...
2 February 2023, 18:24