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Italeri | No. 2703 | 1:48 | Republic F-84F Thunderstreak "i Diavoli Rossi" (WIP)
projekti: Republic F-84F Thunderstreak
66 1 February 2023, 11:58

I'll take a close look at your model. I have the same one in my stash and would like to build it myself in the near future. Have fun Neil!
5 December 2023, 16:09

Parked the 360, watching. You should have prolific as your middle name, the amount of builds dude. It would make me more confused than I am. Hurrichurchspitwell anyone. 🤟😵💫🤘😵💫🖖😵💫👍🤣🥸
12 December 2023, 08:01

Wow! Welcome all. Really great to have interest from such a talented bunch of fellow modellers. @stephan, looking forward to your version very much also 👍👍 @mark, I know, I'm a bit nuts! I love having lots of the go, takes a while to complete and I'm useless at doing reveal photos. But it keeps it all fresh for me! My job is all about multiple projects, so similar state of mind! 😂
6 January 2024, 11:14

I do NOT envy you your masking job but it should look amazing when you finish (or run out of tape). 👍
9 February 2024, 16:31

Hi John, thanks for your interest mate. I should be ok tbh as the kit comes with a superdecal (cheat) sheet! So although there's some stressful masking on a metallic finish, it's hopefully all doable 👍 I've added some more images today. Thanks for your likes also to all who've dropped by too 🙂
14 February 2024, 20:54

I did this one as well. Those decals are actually pretty good.
I tried acrylic metallics for the first and last time on this one. When I removed the masking for the red, it pulled EVERYTHING, primer included, right up. The finish was awesome until then. Alclad and Metalizer for me from there out.
Diavoli Rossi F-84 | Album by smokeriderdon (1:48)
8 July 2024, 15:14

Hi J35J - thanks very much 👍 🙂
Hi Donald, Yes, I agree, the kit decals are nice - though they are on the thicker side. On application they hide a lot of the kits surface detail in my opinion. However subsequent passes with more (and more!) softening and setting solution is doing them justice - more pictures to follow. Sorry to hear of your paint issues when building. Yes. My version is painted solely with Vallejo acrylics: Vallejo primer, Vallejo colour and Metal Colour 👍 You rescued your version well, looks good 🙂
8 July 2024, 15:45

Thank you. In person you can see the areas that pulled fairly clearly.
I used Solvaset on the decals. That managed to get them to settle down fairly well. But yeah, it did hide a bit. BUT, i liked the thickness as those large ones required a good bit of fiddling to get where they needed to be and they stood up to the handling perfectly.
8 July 2024, 17:28

Metalisers require a certain sense of masochism 🙂 I always try to paint the metaliser last, although mskign the red in this case is challenging, I admit. In general, the sequence of paints is very important in all cases and is certainly important with pesky colors such as yellow
16 July 2024, 16:19

I completely ignored the directions on the wing tip thing. LOL I figured the decals went all the way, thats what they were gonna do, right or wrong. There are pics suggesting both would be correct. Look here. I chose not to mess with red for the top though.
1 9 March, 21:57