mittakaavan mallintamistietokanta | stash manager

Kierre aloitti selman

Selman Yarar
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
36 29 March 2023, 15:52
Very good looking.
May too clean
Hard to paint the black Line no?
1  23 February, 15:23
Guy Rump
Lovely job! 👍
1  23 February, 15:53
Selman Yarar kirjailija
Thank you all. Yes, I did a very clean plane. It was needed for a book project but then the project was cancelled. The real plane is on display in the open air at the Military Air Museum in Istanbul and unfortunately it is rotting away under the weight of age and atmospheric conditions.
1  24 February, 07:02
Selman Yarar kirjailija
The black line was not hard to paint thanks to masking tape.
1  24 February, 07:03
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work. A beautiful clean build.
1  28 February, 04:10
Mark K
Very nice indeed !
1  28 February, 04:38
Robert Podkoński
1  28 February, 07:09
I agree!
1  28 February, 07:59
Nefis !!! 🙂
 20 March, 14:18

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