Kierre aloitti The Butcher

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21 13 May 2023, 07:35

Hi all.. haven't done much lately hopefully I will get this one done before the end of the year.
21 January 2024, 09:29

Love this one! Very funny and creative! Love your unique style.
21 January 2024, 16:04

thanks guys - i wish you both the best for 2024. @Ben M - admittedly I re-discovered painting figures during COVID lockdowns in Melbourne (the worlds longest lockdown city). Now that we are over the bump and things are getting back to normality - time is spent on doing other stuff (ie going out to dinner, getaways with the fam) more than painting. Thats my excuse anyways. BUT I'm determined to finish painting the girls.
22 January 2024, 04:21

I got so so sidetracked with pallets !! I ended up making a bunch of them - i have a feeling I'm going to be doing a side diorama with pallets before i finish the Panzergruppe Pink diorama.
These Fräuleins are built tough as nails - sitting on top of radioactive waste drums in a tanktop.
1 February 2024, 09:10

hi all - i been real slack lately - got my painting mojo back and added a few pieces to the dio. I am having more fun painting oil drums, pallets, benches and lampposts at the moment.
shout out to @VRWobst "expoils of war" for giving me the inspiration to make my dio look as good as his.
19 May 2024, 03:05

haha ty mango - Panzergruppe Pink always rock the pink
21 October 2024, 03:50