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Kierre aloitti gorby

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27 13 May 2023, 13:39
Tom B.
That is a really cool idea to make this "unique" little creature as a model 👍
 14 May 2023, 15:20
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Tom! 👍
I've always been a bit obsessed with creatures from the Cambrian Explosion so I thought I'd have a go at making one. It would probably be easier to buy a 3D printer. 🙂
 14 May 2023, 15:38
Ben M
Very enjoyable subject.
 2 June 2023, 03:16
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Ben.
I've decided that I'm not happy with the drab colour, so when I get a chance he might be heading back to the spray booth to see what he'll look like in his party clothes. 🙂
 2 June 2023, 06:24
Robert Podkoński
And the next unusual idea from Gorby... fantastic!
 2 June 2023, 07:05
gorby kirjailija
Thanks Robert.
I've been fascinated with Hallucigenia for many years and oddly enough Tamiya don't have one in their range. 😄
 2 June 2023, 07:20
that is an original model if i have seen one. who else than the amazing gorby to bring this to Tamiya and the world attention. excellent work my friend 🙂
 2 June 2023, 07:31
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Spanjaard.
No doubt Tamiya will be unveiling their new 'Cambrian Explosion' range any day now. 😄
 2 June 2023, 08:01
no doubt! 🙂
 2 June 2023, 08:28
Łukasz Gliński
Incredible work, nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition, I mean the Cambrian Critter 😉 👍
1  7 June 2023, 12:22
One of the coolest modeling ideas I've ever seen. Absolutely love ancient prehistory.
 7 June 2023, 12:46
gorby kirjailija
😄 😄
Thanks Lukasz and Rando, I'm glad you like the little stumpy critter. 🙂
 7 June 2023, 16:14
Markus Helmers
Very weird, I love it 😄 Reminds me of the teeth I made for my Sarlacc Pit.
 20 February, 21:54
gorby kirjailija
Thanks very much Markus. 🙂
I was only wondering yesterday if there is some other poor, unsuspecting ancient critter I could have a go at. At least they can't sue me if I make a total pigs-ear. 😄
 21 February, 07:17

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