Kierre aloitti _th84_

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54 14 May 2023, 18:14

Wow... another Hind on the scene. Nice start! 👍
I suppose compared to my rebuild of the Monogram kit, building this model is a walk in the park.
When I finish the rebuild, I'd like to build another Mi-24 from the Eduard/Zvezda kit. (I have two Eduard kits in my stash). I will follow your build with great interest. 👀 It will be a great inspiration for me.
What colors and markings did you choose for your Mil?
23 June 2023, 11:33

Hi Ludvik, thanks - I love the kit so far and I will build it more or less straight out of the box, with only some added details and adding rivets and missing panel lines. I only built 2 Revell kits so far and compared to them this kit has way more precise parts and just a few issues with gaps until now. I follow your build and to be honest: you are a crazy one building all these details out of scratch ... this is a total different kind of modelling. I decided to go for the SCHEME B, markings G and last flight of the tiger paint scheme. I will update project with some new pictures soon. I´m close to get the rivets done and prepare for final painting. You will love the Zvezda kit 🙂
5 July 2023, 07:42

Hi, Thomas! What a coincidence. Just as I was reading your reply, Jiri Schelinger's (Czech singer *1951 +1981) song "I'm Just a Fool" was playing on the radio 😄.
In today's hectic times and the large selection of perfect kits and accessories to improve the look, it looks really crazy. I have nothing against new models, but I prefer the old models with all their flaws and inaccuracies. They give me room for my own creativity. It's the "extra" work that I really enjoy. When I build a model in my own "crazy" way, I'm much happier with the finished model than with a perfect kit built from a box. My goal is not to build the model as fast as possible, but to enjoy the whole model building process as much as possible. That's how it is for me ... Maybe I'm crazy. :-D
You're doing a really good job on your model and I'm really very curious to see the progress. If only because my next Mi-24 model will also be by Eduard.
7 July 2023, 10:04

Thanks @CaptGPF ... I stopped this project as I didn´t feel ready enough for the challenging paint job ... I decided to wait before I destroy the model with an awful paint job. I pushed myself to build a 1:72 scale to get more skilled on the airbrush and once this is done (I guess soon) I will finish this. I feel ready now 🤣
1 February 2024, 17:23

I'm with you there, Thomas! I generally sharpen my skills on the smaller and "easier" kits till I get enough XPs to handle the more challenging stuff. 😀
2 February 2024, 17:25

Smaller is not always easier, but I got you 😉 and it´s nice to see that more skilled modelers do it the same way
5 February 2024, 09:17

Hi, Thomas! I see you've added some extra work. The engine build into the fuselage looks very nice. 👍 I assume the engines will be open. I look forward to the next installment.
5 February 2024, 14:03

Hi Ludvik! Yes, at least I tried 😂 ... looked a little bit boring so I added a few pipes. You are right, I plan to have all covers displayed open. The pictures are in bad quality as they were all taken with my old phone. Before I decided to put this project on hold, I finished main rotor blades but I didn´t put them here. Once I finished the Me410, I will be ready to finish this one ... everything is prepared for the paintjob but has been put back to shelf, so keep fingers crossed for me 😃
5 February 2024, 14:24

Thomas, it takes a lot of work to build an open engine model that looks realistic. But the current photos of your model show that you're succeeding. Fingers crossed that you continue to do well. And be prepared that applying decals to the main rotor blades is an afternoon's work. There are 26 decals on one blade = 130 decals on all five blades combined.
I have already completed my "crazy" Mi-24 conversion from the Monogram kit. I will come back to the Mi-24 later. I plan to build one more D version machine and one more V version machine. I will build these helicopters from the Eduard (Zvezda) kit. So I will be inspired by you and it is possible that I will "copy" 🙂.
5 February 2024, 22:43

I love the weathering on the rotors and engine compartment! Could you explain your technique?
6 February 2024, 10:19

I agree with tyu, great attention to the "inner values" looking forward for more👍👍
6 February 2024, 10:53

@Ludvik: thank you so much for your positive feedback. When I think back to the time I started my Hind and built the engine section I almost had no experience. The Hind was the 3rd model I started so I´m still thinking if you are just kidding .... 🤨 Lucky me I already applied all the decals and YES it was more than an afternoon job ... 🤣 I know you finished your Hind - I watched the progress highly interested and let me tell you again: your Hind is absolutely amazing. I have never seen any "old" kit that has been adjusted, optimized and detailed in this way.
6 February 2024, 14:18

@Siegfried: many thanks - glad you like it!
@tyu and Daniel: thanks a lot - I really appreciate your kind words. To be honest I don´t even remember all the details on the weathering as I did this so long ago. As far as I remember the rotor head is simply painted and I gave it a wash. The wash was blended with white spirit and in some areas rust was added with a light rust wash (also blended). Main blades also simply painted and then I think I added some bright oils paint with a stippling movement, sealed it in with gloss varnish and then I added it a light grey panel liner + another layer of bright oil that has been blended with a brush (with very little white spirit) always moving into the direction of air. On the connection points to the rotor head I worked with oil paints again. The engines are airbrushed in many different metallic colors and towards the end I also blended in some oil paints and rust pigments, but I don´t remember it exactly. I´m still kind of overwhelmed when I see your positive feedback, remembering back 2 years ago, I didn´t even know what oils paints are ... 😧
6 February 2024, 14:30

That is a really nice job, I would agree the weathering is majestically executed.
6 February 2024, 15:20

@Jennifer: thank you soooo much for your kind words.
@tyu: I forgot to mention that main rotor blades have been also darkened in a few areas using AMMO Shaders …
6 February 2024, 17:32

Thomas, I want to assure you that I am in no way making fun of you. I really like your work on the model.
If I smiled at anything, it was not as a result of your work on the model, but because you called me crazy (I know it was meant in a good way) and now you are slowly going down the same path. With the opening of the engines and the cabin and cockpit doors, it begins... 😄
... and thank you so much for the compliments on my Mi-24, I really appreciate it.
6 February 2024, 23:53

@Ludvik: I was just kidding and never would think that anybody in this great community would make fun on others, but I´m still kind of overwhelmed when more skilled and experienced modellers like you like what I do ... and this is not a joke. Yesterday I finished my 1:72 "test build" to sharpen my skills on the airbrush so updates here will come soon😊
7 February 2024, 06:55

Not sure how I missed this build. Excellent work, hopefully it will leave the shelf of doom 🙂
5 August 2024, 14:41

@Alec - thanks for your nice feedback - appreciate it. Maybe because I started and stopped in 2023 ... hahahaaaa ... It will get out of the shelf of doom for sure, but I´m working on other builds at the moment and also 2 commissions are planned for end of the year. Probably beginning of next year 😄
6 August 2024, 07:41