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Michael Kohl
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83 19 May 2023, 20:53
Michael Kohl kirjailija
After finishing a literally a decade old project and two other long standing ones, I rewarded myself with the start of a new build that looks pretty straightforward on first glance. It will be built out of the box (which sounds a bit funny referring to a resin based multimedia kit 😉 )

The plane was originally build by Miles in the thirties and a handful survived into the present day. I think that the clean lines and surfaces of this plywood coated beauty are emphasized best by a civilian livery. Quite a few pictures can be found on the net of this - obviously quite recently - restored little plane in speckless attire.

So, off we go.
 19 May 2023, 21:51
Best of luck - will follow
 20 May 2023, 07:30
Robert Podkoński
A beauty! I will follow with pleasure!
 20 May 2023, 09:48
Rolf Rolf
Sehr gut
 20 May 2023, 11:25
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Welcome mates. Nice to have you around. 🙂
 20 May 2023, 11:35
Alex K
Oh! More Golden Age civilian goodies! Following, of course...
 20 May 2023, 13:11
Robert Podkoński
Good work so far (I must say I am happy to have few SBS model models in my stash - looks like they are very modeller-friendly ones)
 20 May 2023, 14:43
Łukasz Gliński
Really nice. That blue livery looks v.tempting to me
 20 May 2023, 17:32
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Hi Alex and Lukasz, welcome.
@ Robert: This is my first experience with a SBS Mdodel-kit and it builds very easily. So I suppose you will have fun with your kits too.
@Lukasz: it certainly is tempting - even if I decided to build the silver one.
 20 May 2023, 23:21
Jennifer Franklin
Following 👀
 26 May 2023, 21:49
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Nice to have you on board, Jennifer.
 30 May 2023, 13:58
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Only varnish and some details left.
 13 June 2023, 09:51
Robert Podkoński
Looks beautiful already at this stage, Michael. Fantastic work!
 13 June 2023, 10:48
Alex K
What a beauty!
 13 June 2023, 19:30
Oh, I guess due to my trip I overlooked this. What a beauty 👍
What have you used as silver/metal paint?
I think you can improve the stickiness of the HGW rivets with the blue cap Gunze Mark Setter. After Eduard recommends it if you want to remove the carrier I used it also with good results on HGW 3D rib tapes. It looks like the blue cap contains some glue like white glue, which helps.
 13 June 2023, 20:23
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thank you guys for the nice feedback.
I think so too, that this is a nice plane in a lovely livery. And SBS Models did a very nice kit of it. If you are new to resin and want to give it a try this is a kit you might consider.
 14 June 2023, 09:05
Michael Kohl kirjailija
@bughunter: thanks for the advice on the HGW rivet decals. I'll give it a try.
The colors used on this build are Alclad II. The whole plane is painted Speed Silver and the canopy frame received Airframe Aluminum. Both spray extremely fine. But watch out to spray very thin coats. Otherwise the thinner will redissolve the (Alclad) primer.
 14 June 2023, 09:10
Alec K
Very nicely done Michael 👍
 15 June 2023, 01:28
Thanks Michael!
I have many shades of Alclad on my shelf, but the existence of High Speed Silver has somehow passed me by.
 15 June 2023, 08:21
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thanks Alec.
Frank, I stumbled over this shade just by chance. I think it is rather new too.
 15 June 2023, 21:56
Robert Podkoński
Perfect job, Michael!
 21 June 2023, 13:55
You are able to convert all kind of kits into great models - this one is no exception! 👍
 21 June 2023, 14:10
Łukasz Gliński
Outstanding finish 👍
Hey, that airfield looks familiar 😁
 21 June 2023, 19:35
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thank you mates. Nice to see you following this build.
@Frank: this is a high praise indeed. Danke Dir!
@Lukas: psssst 🙂
 22 June 2023, 20:51
Love the finish. Looking forward to the dio ......
 23 June 2023, 19:07
Eduardo Arguijo
great build! I looked for it on their website and couldnt find bad
 23 June 2023, 22:37
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thanks Neuling and Eduardo for your nice comments.
@Eduardo: I am surprised that I couldn't find it either. Let's hope they reissue it.
 25 June 2023, 05:22
Eduardo Arguijo
But its supposed to be a 2023 new tool
 25 June 2023, 13:40
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Absolutely. I suppose they have underestimated the demand or have a bug in their homepage. Maybe just send them a short mail.

And thank you mates for a handful of likes.
 25 June 2023, 14:45
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Groundwork finished. Now only the animals left to paint.
 26 June 2023, 08:22
Superb! It looks like real grass.
 26 June 2023, 09:35
Robert Podkoński
 26 June 2023, 10:00
May I cut some flowers for my wife?
 26 June 2023, 10:13
Pietro De Angelis
Very nice!
 26 June 2023, 12:35
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 26 June 2023, 21:07
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thank you guys for your flattering comments.
@bughunter: go ahead, I have some spares to replant. 🙂
@ MS K: nice to hear for that's what I was aiming for. It was a learning curve but now I have some tweaks and come closer to the desired effect.
 26 June 2023, 21:19
Jennifer Franklin
*wow* love the dio, very nice work!
 30 June 2023, 09:32
Dominik Weitzer
that looks really sporty. nice plane, well built!
 30 June 2023, 10:15
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thanks Jennifer and Dominik. Finally all the animals are painted and this project will be finished soon.
 1 July 2023, 00:00
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Great kit from SBS Models of an elegant small sports plane. I declare plane and the little vignette done.
Hope you have a swell weekend.
Happy modelling.
 1 July 2023, 17:26
Beautiful scene. Nice job 👍
 1 July 2023, 18:53
Łukasz Gliński
Lovely dio, the dog looks like mine 👍
 1 July 2023, 19:10
Pietro De Angelis
Bucolic Miles, stunning!
 1 July 2023, 20:12
Zbynek Honzik
Fantasic job! 👏👏👏
 1 July 2023, 20:48
Guy Rump
Great job. 👍
 1 July 2023, 22:17
Lovely dio indeed. And picture 86 looks like the real thing.
 2 July 2023, 09:13
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thank you mates. Your comments lift me up.
@Lukasz: which one? The black and white one I suppose. Lovely note, that he reminds you of your companion.
@Neuling: the biggest of praises. 🙂 I am really flattered - not least as it comes from somebody who fooled quite a few here with his models and their presentation who mistook them for the real thing.
 2 July 2023, 14:36
 2 July 2023, 15:56
The two heads break through the fence 👍 Wonderful - your dio makes me smile!
 2 July 2023, 16:37
Łukasz Gliński
The german shepherd like - I live with a mini version of it 😋
 2 July 2023, 18:01
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Nice thought that my work touches a personal chord here and there. 🙂
 2 July 2023, 21:09
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thanks Ronan for your like. Much appreciated.
 8 July 2023, 19:10
Kyle DeHart
This is lovely.
 8 July 2023, 19:33
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thanks Kyle and another one for your likes mates. Much appreciated.
 10 July 2023, 06:33
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Mates, my silver civilian sweety gives a hearty thank you to you for liking her and showing it.
 11 July 2023, 16:32
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thanks Istvan.
 12 July 2023, 21:24
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thankx Neverthorus for sneaking in and leaving a like.
 14 July 2023, 05:44
Now that is photorealistic! Great job!
 14 January 2024, 04:42
Jennifer Franklin
I missed all the best parts! This is a lovely job and the dio is fun.
 15 January 2024, 03:28
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Nay Jennifer, you didn't miss anything. It's still all there. 🙂
Thanks to you and CaptGPF for the positive feedback and to quite a handful of folks for sneeking in and leaving a like.
 25 January 2024, 20:05
Michael Schubert
Looks absolutely awesome!! Love the dio 👍
 25 January 2024, 20:41
Fantastic 👍
 25 January 2024, 22:40
Rui S
Beautiful work 👍
 28 January 2024, 14:36
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Thanks mates, your warm words are much appreciated.
 30 January 2024, 10:21
Michael Kohl kirjailija
@Eduardo Arguijo: the kit is back on their homepage and can be ordered.
 17 March 2024, 14:36
Jennifer Franklin
Meticulous research into sheep shit, huh?
 21 March 2024, 02:32
Michael Kohl kirjailija
Field research on grasroot level. 😉
 21 March 2024, 09:08
Łukasz Gliński
 21 March 2024, 09:13

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