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Mr James
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17 kuvien
Winter TigerView album, image #4
finished off the exhausts with Humbrol rust powder, Vallejo light rust paint and Vallejo rust wash. Also rubbed it with ...
1:35 Tiger I (Tamiya 35216)1:35 Tank Crew Winter Uniforms (MiniArt 35249)
161 27 May 2023, 01:18
Jennifer Franklin
I need more photos, how did you get here? 🙂
 27 May 2023, 02:07
Mr James kirjailija
Hi Jennifer. I had trouble uploading the pics from my phone have lost everything I tried to upload 🙁
 27 May 2023, 09:30
James C
Tidy work. Following 👀👍
 27 May 2023, 17:20
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers James, I'm annoyed I lost all my progress pics. Only weathering left
 27 May 2023, 18:23
Jennifer Franklin
Well, the weathering is impressive. You guys make it look so easy.
 29 May 2023, 02:17
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Jennifer, The turret was a couple of days work. I've watched a lot of videos
 29 May 2023, 02:39
Leszek Cader HifiCofi
Wow Mr James! The weathering is a master class, my respect! I like pic 14 with this rusty hole on 0, this makes the whole marking extremely realistc. 👍
 29 May 2023, 20:53
Mr James kirjailija
Well thank you Leszek, how very kind of you to say. As I've said before, I've watched a lot of videos and try to emulate the techniques I see. Weathering is becoming my favourite aspect of modelling so far.
 29 May 2023, 21:07
James C
The weathered and worn winter white wash looks really impressive 👍
 29 May 2023, 21:16
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks James, much appreciated from your good self.
 29 May 2023, 21:40
Leszek Cader HifiCofi
Welcom on board! I too prefer this part of the hobby than counting rivets... Following your projec, I guess it will end with regular winter diorama? 🙂
 29 May 2023, 21:50
Michael Hickey
Nice work Mr James.👍
 29 May 2023, 21:57
Mr James kirjailija
Yes Leszek, I'm going to build a scene for it. Havent decided what yet. I'll have to master figure painting next though... That will be challenging. :-0
 29 May 2023, 21:58
Mr James kirjailija
Thank you Michael. Greatly appreciated.
 29 May 2023, 22:01
Rui S
Very nice weathering work. Looking great 👍
 29 May 2023, 22:29
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks matey, great coming from you. Not that long to go now {-) he says...
 29 May 2023, 23:39
Rui S
Looking forward to see it on a Dio 🤔
 29 May 2023, 23:46
Mr James kirjailija
I'm open to suggestions, I've got that Precision ice and snow kit I want to use after seeing your Finland dio.
 29 May 2023, 23:51
Rui S
Nah, leave it to you, just thinking "Tigers on the mud" 😉
 29 May 2023, 23:55
Mr James kirjailija
Yeah, mud and snow should be easier then grass and trees... 🙂
 29 May 2023, 23:58
Rui S
Google it, if you want I can send you the book.😄 😎
 30 May 2023, 00:00
Mr James kirjailija
just had a look. Great pics of what I could see
 30 May 2023, 00:10
Jennifer Franklin
Seeing it on a dio would be great 😛
 30 May 2023, 00:50
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Jennifer, I think I've got one in mind now after looking at a few ww2 pics.
 30 May 2023, 13:01
Simon Nagorsnik
Really nice winter camo!
Good job so far 👍
 30 May 2023, 13:23
Mr James kirjailija
Thank you very much Simon.
 30 May 2023, 13:30
Leszek Cader HifiCofi
If I may suggest - Ardennes Offensive. I guess Tigers took part in these strugglings too...
 30 May 2023, 18:19
Very well done weathering! I love it!
 30 May 2023, 18:24
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers Marius, much apricated and glad you liked it
 30 May 2023, 19:17
Mr James kirjailija
Hi Leszek, I dont think I've got the skills for trees. I suppose I could hide them under layers of snow 🙂
I've earmarked a couple of muddy road scenes from WW2 pics.
 30 May 2023, 19:27
Look at that ❤weather
I love it👏
 30 May 2023, 22:57
Mr James kirjailija
Why, thank you so much Juskifo. Much appreciated from your good self.
 31 May 2023, 00:47
Gary Curling
Lovely winter the bent back mud flap at the back
 31 May 2023, 19:37
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers for that Gary. I must crack on and finish it before the weather changes and my other hobby kicks in... 🙂
 31 May 2023, 21:41
Derek Rothfus
This is freaking awesome James! The weathering is so realistic. Love all the rust and grime.
 3 June 2023, 18:34
Mr James kirjailija
Why thank you Derek. Much appreciated. Credit has to go to Tamiya weathering set B and Vallejo rust washes.
 3 June 2023, 18:51
Pietro De Angelis
I'm agree with all, weathering really incredible, congrats!
 3 June 2023, 19:09
Christian Bruer
Excellent paintwork and weathering 👍
 3 June 2023, 19:16
Mr James kirjailija
Thankyou for your comments Pietro and Christian. Nice of you to say its looking good,
 3 June 2023, 19:43
Nathan Dempsey
You're a weathering magician. Beautiful work.
 3 June 2023, 23:43
Mr James kirjailija
Ha... thats pushing it... But thank you for kind words Nathan 🙂
 4 June 2023, 00:49
Very convincing weathering, great work!
 4 June 2023, 05:19
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Alberto, Much appreciated
 4 June 2023, 11:12
Well messed up😉
 4 June 2023, 18:23
Mr James kirjailija
He he, going for that 'been around the block' look 🙂
Thanks Schwarzadler
 4 June 2023, 18:26
really impressive weathering. wow
 4 June 2023, 21:42
Mr James kirjailija
Why thankyou Spanjaard. Nice of to say so
 4 June 2023, 21:47
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Xa Char for your many likes
 1 July 2023, 21:59
Guy Rump
Your weathering is very impressive! 👍
 1 July 2023, 22:09
Looking forward to the winter dio .............
 2 July 2023, 09:41
Gran trabajo.... Me gusta el efecto de la torreta
 2 July 2023, 09:57
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Guy for saying so.
Neuling, I've cut the base but need some filler or grout or something for the undulations
Thanks for the kind words Pepe. I'm happy with how the turret turned out
 2 July 2023, 17:34
Andy Heim
Very nice rust effects! Wow!
 2 July 2023, 17:43
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers Andy. Just pigment and Vallejo light rust wash 🙂
 2 July 2023, 18:32
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers Conner, glad you liked it
 24 July 2023, 14:56
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers Lenny, glad you liked it
 30 July 2023, 20:48
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Mark and Henry for your likes 🙂
 2 August 2023, 18:26
Tommy Agne
COOL 👍!!! Very nice weathering👍.
 7 August 2023, 17:51
Another fantastic paintjob. Thanx for explanations of technics you used.
 8 August 2023, 09:18
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers Tommy, glad you liked it.
 8 August 2023, 09:32
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks for saying that Fritz. I like to see how other modelers work their magic, so hope it may aid someone maybe? 🙂
 8 August 2023, 09:38
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers for the likes Neil 👍
 22 August 2023, 19:30
Gary Curling
Looking forward to seeing the dioarma for this super model
 22 August 2023, 21:23
Stephen Lesley
This is weathering on another level. I am speechless! I can almost smell the oil/petrol and have a subconscious urge to scape the mud off my shoes. 🙂
 25 August 2023, 05:58
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers Gary, when I get back from this stint of work, I'll push on with the dio.
Ha, brilliant comments Stephen 😁 Thanks mate 👍
 25 August 2023, 15:22
bruno egral
Houa ! Superbe.
 11 October 2023, 07:15
Mr James kirjailija
Merci Bruno. 🙂 and thankyou for all the likes
 12 October 2023, 09:27
Every mm on the model received attention from you, perfect weathering. 👍
 24 October 2023, 14:02
Mr James kirjailija
Thankyou for saying so Duperscale.
 24 October 2023, 22:20
I agree with everyone - top notch weathering! The rust effects on the spare treads really stood out for me. how long does it take you to do this level of weathering?
 17 November 2023, 05:05
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks CaptGPF, The weathering side of modelling is what I look forward to the most. I look at a lot of better modellers work, mostly on this site, and try and copy what they've done. I'm constantly going back over a period of time, adding little touches here and there, so I would say I spend weeks after its painted, decaled, varnished and oil washed.
 17 November 2023, 19:10
Guy Rump
Excellent work and superb weathering. 👍
 17 November 2023, 21:34
Mark Sherwood
Inspires me to build a Tiger 1 again. But I have summink ' on and a defrustration build too, on saying that. A very nice Tigger' Mr James all round. 👍🥸🤟
 20 November 2023, 05:50
Michael Kohl
Dirty work of the convincing kind.
 20 November 2023, 07:25
Mr James kirjailija
Thankyou Guy, Mark and Michael for your kind words. Much appreciated 🙂
 20 November 2023, 10:32
Great finish James! The rust and filth is spot on
 20 November 2023, 12:19
Nathan Dempsey
Always love seeing this one come up in the feed.
 20 November 2023, 15:01
Always a pleasure & inspiration to see your work! Great stuff👍🏻
 20 November 2023, 15:23
Mr James kirjailija
Doubtingmango, Nathan and J35J, I thankyou for your kind comments. Having recently looked at some excellent winter tiger builds, I do wonder if Ive overdone it a bit.
 20 November 2023, 15:49
WOW! Stunning weathering.
 21 November 2023, 07:16
Neil Patrick
Fantastic work! I love the weathering. Lifts the good old Tamiya kit to a much higher level. Am I right this is the vehicle in the photos of Wittmann in winter 43/44?
 21 November 2023, 08:14
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Gorby, glad you think so.
Yes Neil, I believe Wittman was assigned S04 on the Eastern front in 43/44. Loads of excellent builds of this vehicle out there. I'm now painting the figures for it.... and struggling.
 21 November 2023, 13:37
Arif Saeed
Fantastic result, Love the weathering 👏👏
 22 November 2023, 19:40
Mr James kirjailija
Thank you Arif. Nice of you to say so 🙂
 11 December 2023, 14:07
Mick Burdett
Cracking work puts my work in the shade !!
 11 December 2023, 16:44
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Mick, I wouldn't say that matey
 11 December 2023, 18:43
Dom S.
Nice work 👍
 17 December 2023, 07:39
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers Dom
 22 December 2023, 05:04
Kesa Tiho
I mean this literally when i say my jaw dropped the second i saw that tiger
 2 September 2024, 03:39
Mr James kirjailija
Ha ha, Well thankyou Kesa. 🙂
 2 September 2024, 09:40
Vincent Uijtendaal
Awesome work also!…how do you get yr paint to crackle up like that?
 6 September 2024, 21:20
Mr James kirjailija
Thankyou Vincent. Nice of you to say so. I used a couple of thick layers of cheap hairspray. I then left the water on top for quite a bit and it started to crackle.
 7 September 2024, 11:05
Vincent Uijtendaal
 7 September 2024, 15:00
Jennifer Franklin
There are some impressive weathering techniques on display!
 8 September 2024, 21:31
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Jennifer. I do like a bit of weathering 🙂
 9 September 2024, 20:35
Very cool 👍 The weathering is top notch. I really like the cracked whitewash on the turret roof but the whole thing pops!
 9 September 2024, 21:27
Mr James kirjailija
Thankyou John, much appreciated
 10 September 2024, 16:20
Master at work
 10 September 2024, 18:50
Dude this looks SO good. I am thoroughly impressed at the work you've done here.
 14 September 2024, 15:34
Mr James kirjailija
Ha Geert 🙂 I dont think I'm anywhere near a master.
 14 September 2024, 16:09
Mr James kirjailija
Cheers Littleblackbear, Its much appreciated from a top modellers like yourself and others. I'm slowly getting round to finishing this bloody thing 🙂
 14 September 2024, 16:14
Mike Siemers
That is a perfectly beat up and throughly dirty Tiger. Great job!!!
 15 September 2024, 00:43
Randy Kriegel
Looks awesome 👍
 19 September 2024, 03:18
Mark DeBacker
Exceptional finish/weathering Mr James. Did you use shoe laces to simulate the insulation on the Feifel filter trunking? Forgive me if you have already answered this.
 19 September 2024, 03:36
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks for nice comments Mike and Randy, Its much appreciated.
Thanks Mark, the build is straight out of the box as they say. The insulation is what came with the kit. I think it stands out with the white wash and oil wash.
 19 September 2024, 11:23
Gary Curling
Hi,just a little note about the fire extinguisher,they apparently not red,but the same colour as the tank,or grey.I think we all make this mistake on our model tanks. I did the same on my cromwell tank.
 25 September 2024, 12:07
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Gary. I realised this after seeing a few builds on this site. The lack of true colour pics of German armour doesnt help. 🙂
I'll rectify this when I finish this off and add the aerial along with some stowage.
I also think upon reflection, that I've overdone it with the weathering after seeing better Tiger builds on here.
 25 September 2024, 12:39
With all due respect, Mr Jame, your weathering is perfect IMHO!
 25 September 2024, 14:29
Nathan Dempsey
The weathering is still a feast for the eyes.
 25 September 2024, 14:43
Mr James kirjailija
Ha, how very kind of you both. Thankyou CaptGPF and Nathan. I'm happy with my effects, but when I see excellent builds on here of the same subject, I cant help but reflect upon my own work and see where I can do better. The grass being greener and all that 🙂
 25 September 2024, 15:08
David Taylor
 25 September 2024, 19:01
Snake Plissken
As others have said, the red fire extinguisher is an anachronism for WW2; anything bright red like that isn't tactical. Unless this is a modern scene with a museum tank?
 25 September 2024, 19:12
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Dave.
Thats right Snake, to be rectified
 25 September 2024, 20:57
Gary Curling
Some tigers went through hell,so ended up filthy.All that mud on the russian front was realy bad.We all have different slyles to our modeling and changes on each model.The more we make the better we get.
 25 September 2024, 21:10
Desert Marlin
Looking great Mr. James!
 26 September 2024, 03:04
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks again Gary and thankyou Desert Marlin, 🙂
 26 September 2024, 11:55
Love the work you've done on the weathering and finish. Amazing how a chunk of plastic can turn into worn plates of steel.
1  22 January, 12:48
Nick Dragone
Nice work. My approach to weathering is to stop before I feel I could do a little more. I think you accomplished that. Good work
 22 January, 13:10
Mr James kirjailija
@JW - Praise indeed, many thanks.
@Nick Dragone - Thanks Nick, good advice.
 22 January, 14:42
Jennifer Franklin
 24 January, 23:28
Agreed! Looks fantastic! 👏
 26 January, 10:12
Ian Shaw
Amazing workmanship
 26 January, 10:17
Lenny Li
Very impressive!
 26 January, 12:10
Mr James kirjailija
Jennifer, Neil, Ian and Lenny :- Thankyou very much for your comments. They are much apricated
 26 January, 13:36
Palo M
Looks great, beautiful rust effects.
 1 February, 19:46
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Palo
 1 February, 20:34
Air no
Bravo James, au début j'ai cru à une photo d'époque. Très réussi, bravo !!
 20 February, 14:11
Mr James kirjailija
Merci Air No, c'est en effet un éloge de la part d'un modéliste accompli comme vous.
1  20 February, 21:23
Sören Bartusch
Well done! 👍🏻 But the fire extinguisher wasn't red 😉
 25 February, 16:09
Mr James kirjailija
Thanks Soren. Yeah I realised the error in the fire extinguisher. I'll paint it grey or dunkelgelb when I build a dio.
2  25 February, 21:52
Jean-Daniel Aebischer
Hi James, superb aging work, even if personally I'm not a fan of extreme aging. But as they say, each to their own. In any case, well done. 👏👏
 8 March, 22:21

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