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Andy Ball
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43 kuvien
B-25J Mitchell OkinawaView album, image #36
taxiing at le Shima readied for a strafing raid July 1945
projekti: B-25J Strafer
1:72 B-25J Mitchell STRAFER (Eduard 7012)
104 13 June 2023, 14:29
Robert Podkoński
Taking a first row seat, of course!
 13 June 2023, 15:44
Andy Ball kirjailija
Lovely to see you Robert! I'll fix you a drink too…
 13 June 2023, 15:56
Michael Kohl
Drink?! In that case... 😉
 13 June 2023, 16:36
Are there seats, drinks and good plastic left?
 13 June 2023, 20:00
Łukasz Gliński
Interesting topic
 13 June 2023, 20:57
Andy Ball kirjailija
Gentlemen, I will ensure all dietary requirements are met on this construction caper! I will equally need to familiarise myself with your neighbourhood plastic antics too!…
Thanks Nikita and Tyson for popping by…
 13 June 2023, 22:00
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
 14 June 2023, 01:50
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Gary- thanks for saying hello
Villiers make yourself at home, watch the rabble that are on here, they may nick your drink.
 14 June 2023, 07:54
Andy Ball kirjailija
thanks Sukhoi 242.
In general to all mates on here: anyone know whether the mid-ships Brownings and their glazing may have been deleted on low-level strafing runs?, one picture (no.4) seems to suggest it.
 15 June 2023, 09:16
Bernd Grün
Nice start, Andy. I'm in! 👍
 15 June 2023, 13:27
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Alberto: thanks for the look-over.
Bernd: glad to see you on the island
 15 June 2023, 14:42
Живко Джаков
First. Front row seat. And please no beer. I just don't drink beer.
Second. On my project from the same box, which is still waiting for its turn, I am uploading some interesting photos. I think I have exactly what you are looking for.
 15 June 2023, 19:23
Andy Ball kirjailija
Some good Bulgarian wine then?
Oh good, I would love to see the images and more importantly how you tackle it! Mini GB methinks?
@yamawasabi and others, thanks for the likes
 15 June 2023, 19:29
Andy Ball kirjailija
Brilliant, Ж!
Thanks for the references- in due course I'll look out for your build….
 15 June 2023, 21:52
Andy Ball kirjailija
Pietro, thanks for saying hello
 16 June 2023, 10:49
Patryk S.
 28 June 2023, 18:33
Andy Ball kirjailija
Welcome Patryk. I have done some more work on this during a crazy-busy time in my life. Will post some more bits soon. Thanks for your patience!
 3 July 2023, 09:43
Brilliant interior Andy!
 11 July 2023, 12:00
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Alberto, a lot is down to Hasegawa's and Eduard's aftermarket, I've added very little to it.
 11 July 2023, 15:56
Marcin Dudek
👀 with interest
 11 July 2023, 16:00
I agree with Alberto. Great job, Andy!
 11 July 2023, 18:46
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Marcin the beers are still chilled.
Cuajete, here's another 🍺 for you.
Thirsty work

Thanks for the likes too!!
 12 July 2023, 07:25
Jan Peters
Pulling up a chair Andy.
This is one on my to do list, didn't know Eduard did this one, added it to the wishlist 👍🏻
 12 July 2023, 14:39
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Jan for having a look, I think the Airfix one is good too, just fancied the guns on this one and the scheme.
Oleg: spasibo
 12 July 2023, 16:02
David Taylor
Nice work Andy.
 12 July 2023, 16:11
Andy Ball kirjailija
David, it's been too long!....good to see you here.
 12 July 2023, 16:21
Andy, thanks so much for another beer. The unbearable heat has made me drink it fast, so this time I'm going to go for more cold beer. Do you want a few?

Good progress!

@Jan Peters, Eduard's B-25 is actually Hasegawa's tool with extras. Airfix also has a nice tool from the B-25 (the latest tool).
 12 July 2023, 18:28
Живко Джаков
I'm still following even though I don't drink beer! Congratulations on the good progress. I hope to buy the Arifix version soon as well. I would love for them to sit next to each other.
 12 July 2023, 19:59
Andy Ball kirjailija
Cuajete, the more we drink the more interesting the build becomes!
Zhivko, I guess we're not going to tempt you! I think both manufacturers were clever in their choices of Mitchell subjects- and not to go head-to-head as they could appeal- like you say- to modellers having 2 choices. I will only build one as my goal is to complete 36 of the most influential aircraft of WW2...B-29/PBY-5/He-111/Mosquito/Halifax and I'm done.
 13 July 2023, 09:45
Amazing! It's really cool!
 13 July 2023, 11:09
Fantastic work on the interior
 13 July 2023, 11:11
Pietro De Angelis
Fantastic interior,
i can only imagine what the final result will be,
congrats and good beer!
 13 July 2023, 12:48
David Taylor
Hi Andy.
Busy scratching a Saxon in 16th.
 13 July 2023, 13:57
Живко Джаков
Amdy, Hobby 2000 makes it easy for us. 29 and Catalina has them up to date. For Halifax, I'll wait to see what you choose.
 13 July 2023, 14:05
Beautiful bit of cockpit work!👌👌
 13 July 2023, 14:20
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Eric for your like, and Kyrylo for the comment.
Doubtingmango and Pietro: it's just has to be done! Even if it won't be seen!, good to see you in here Munkyslut, the cockpit helped by the aftermarket- although I wish they'd provided the yokes and wheels, plastic is out of scale in thickness.
Correct Zhivko! I am eyeing their Norwegian Cat, they are good value-like the B-26 previously done.

A Saxon in 16th is quite eclectic David, and worthy!
 13 July 2023, 22:14
Andy Ball kirjailija
Good to see you Edward!
 14 July 2023, 06:51
Andy Ball kirjailija
Hello Neil, hope all's well!?
 14 July 2023, 13:18
Guy Rump
Looking good Andy, following. 👍
 16 July 2023, 09:46
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Guy, some more eye candy from the 3 hours stencilling and decal'ing last night. That's 3 hours of life I won't get back!
 18 July 2023, 07:26
Neil Patrick
Looking great Andy. You got a lot more done last night than I did!
 18 July 2023, 08:02
Живко Джаков
Andy, I don't understand. Are you complaining about those three hours or enjoying it?
 18 July 2023, 09:26
Andy Ball kirjailija
Zhivko: "it's later than you think"….I wonder how many hours are given over to tiny details that in the wider scheme of things may not be important. But they are to us modellers.
So, it's bitter-sweet!
 18 July 2023, 10:15
Andy Ball kirjailija
Neil: but yours may have been more productive!?
 18 July 2023, 10:16
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thank-you Marc for your visit
 18 July 2023, 12:08
Just don't forget the close ups so we can enjoy your three hours of work!
 18 July 2023, 20:15
Andy Ball kirjailija
I don't want to waste anymore of my life taking photos of them.
I'm dreading Eduard's MiG-21 and Clear Prop's MiG-23 when I come to building them out of the stash …they have millions of them!
 18 July 2023, 21:46
Bernd Grün
Lovely build, Andy! 👌 I'll take a seat. Looking for the final result. 👀
 19 July 2023, 07:11
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thank-you Bernd, just starting on the finals now, approaching the outer marker......
Thank-you for the 'likes' too, Andre et al
 19 July 2023, 11:03
Great Job Andy and very nice plane. Love the interiors that you usually make with fine details. Great landing gear as well. Congrats!
 19 July 2023, 13:35
Very nice painting job, Andy 👌
 22 July 2023, 19:02
Andy Ball kirjailija
Micky, Cuajete I appreciate those remarks, and you know we do these things because we must!! András, appreciate your visit!
 23 July 2023, 19:35
Andy Ball kirjailija
Clement, thank-you for popping by
 24 July 2023, 07:33
Andy Ball kirjailija
Mark K, thanks, likewise
 25 July 2023, 06:18
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Marko, I hope you like it. Appreciate the visit Rando Dude!
 26 July 2023, 10:23
Andy Ball kirjailija
I should be thanking others too, so Tini and Oleg appreciated
 26 July 2023, 14:04
Patryk S.
Impressive speed and craftsmanship Andy! Can't wait for the final result!
 26 July 2023, 15:33
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Patryk S, I'm pausing for a while whilst I clear the O-1 Bird Dog off the decks. Thanks for coming in on this!
 31 July 2023, 07:53
Andy Ball kirjailija
Mirko, great to see you around!
 1 August 2023, 06:52
Andy Ball kirjailija
Antony and others, thanks!
 2 August 2023, 10:17
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Gustavo @Ferenc: thank-you for your visit and comment
 3 August 2023, 08:49
Thomas Bischoff
comes along nicely - and maybe I copy your idea with the syringe 👍
 3 August 2023, 18:55
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Thomas, great to see you again- I'm reliably informed that a cocktail stick with a split at the tip works well too! Thanks too Ferenc for the visit!
 3 August 2023, 22:29
Andy Ball kirjailija
"One of the most famous and colourful units in the Pacific, the "Air Apaches", was constituted on Sept.3rd 1942 as 345th BG (medium) and after activation they trained immediately with B-25s. Originally to be deployed to the UK, Maj Gen George C Kennedy successfully pledged for more B-25s to come to his 5th AF. Thus in April 1943 the Group moved to the Pacific Theatre and after arrival in Australia their B-25Ds were field modified into strafers according to 'Pappy' Gunn's instructions as he was the technical officer of the 5th. The B-25Ds and the later B-25J's took part in 9 campaigns. All 4 squadrons had their own distinct markings and names. The 498th being known as the 'Falcons' with the stylised falcon head." My representation of Darlin' Donna is when the machine arrived on le Shima sometime after July 1945, she hasn't yet had her Indian head nor white wing tips applied, which no doubt were imminent. The faded Olive Drab no.2 was applied along with streaks of the darker olive drab no.1 on the leading edges of the wings and fins. Final photos to come shortly.
 27 November 2023, 15:56
Guy Rump
Very impressive build again Andy, excellent! 👍
 27 November 2023, 20:15
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Guy, I've had a few builds bubbling to the surface and I was determined to finish them all to create yet another single focus.."it's like waiting for a bus/then three arrive"....

Thanks to all those who've popped by and taken a look....many names I now can't remember (but you know who you are!!)
 28 November 2023, 10:01
Łukasz Gliński
Come on A, some of them you remember for sure 😄 Nicely done btw 👍
 28 November 2023, 10:09
Andy Ball kirjailija
I'm the lead medical certifier for our Company's Alzheimer's drug now....perhaps I'd better start taking it!!
(problem is Ł, as you know, once someone "likes" your build...the rest are lost to history...a functionality that I can't seem to find on here!?)
 28 November 2023, 10:15
Łukasz Gliński
True, lurkers, errr likers are not trackable indeed
 28 November 2023, 10:25
Marcin Dudek
Beautifull one 👏👍
 29 November 2023, 09:43
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Marcin, appreciate the comment
 29 November 2023, 09:51
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks too Olivier, Noël, and Finn, glad you took a look...
 3 December 2023, 11:14
Top job one more time, Andy. Fantastic result.
 6 January 2024, 20:48
Andy Ball kirjailija
Hello @Cuajete, thanks again for the comment and like....not seen you around recently!?
 6 January 2024, 23:21
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work.
 7 January 2024, 05:51
Andy Ball kirjailija
VdV again, your comments are warmly received!, et aussi bienvenue M.Curatorm
 7 January 2024, 13:17
Andy Ball kirjailija
David J, and the ever excellent Daniel K: thanks for the visit!
 7 January 2024, 15:19
Patryk S.
Impressive final result Andy! Great build!
 7 January 2024, 20:03
James C
Awesome looking B-25 👍
 7 January 2024, 20:13
I'm sorry, Andy. I have moved cities and have not been able to be operational until now. I'm glad to know that your Alzheimer's isn't that bad when you remember me. You have a good selective memory 😛
 7 January 2024, 20:46
Andy Ball kirjailija
Patryk S, James C, and Cuajete: thanks for popping's a really cool kit...the quality of the moulds certainly helps this modeller...Cuajete hope you're settling into your new abode!
Jocaj, thanks too.
 9 January 2024, 10:02
Thank you so much, Andy. For the moment all is well but I will haven't site for the man cave a long time. I'll be here temporarily and then I will can get back to plastic building. In the meantime I will learn a lot from your posts 🙂
 9 January 2024, 19:22
Andy Ball kirjailija
Good luck in the new place...the cave will wait....
thanks Rudy and Co.....
 9 January 2024, 22:03
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Jennifer, appreciate your visit in the midst of Memphis' build!!
 27 January 2024, 08:25
Andy Ball kirjailija
Tom B, much appreciated, your visit and 'like'
 29 January 2024, 21:32
Andy Ball kirjailija
Stephan H, thanks for the like!
 5 February 2024, 15:04
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Jose, appreciate the visit!
 5 February 2024, 19:59
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Romain, glad you looked and liked
 18 February 2024, 18:01
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thank-you Petar and others!
 19 February 2024, 22:58
Great work Andy, looks suitably excellent as usual! The kit too looks like a good buy? 👍
 20 February 2024, 21:27
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Neil: I wouldn't know how it compares to Airfix's earlier marque, but it went flawlessly with just enough aftermarket to make it pop.
Great to see you around again!
And thanks!!
Appreciate the visit too couponnat
 21 February 2024, 08:00
Petar Žorić
Man, I just got this kit, and am still divided on which scheme to do. You did this one so well that is making me follow the same route. Awesome job man!
 24 February 2024, 00:37
Andy Ball kirjailija
Petar!, there are sone great alternatives! Go grab'em!! Thanks for having a look!!
 25 February 2024, 23:04
Mr James
Very nice example. Great work in deed.
 25 February 2024, 23:08
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Mr James: thanks again for taking a look....great kit...ex-Hasegawa moulds still crisp and tight....
 27 March 2024, 12:32

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