Kierre aloitti Erik67

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15 kuvien
Sepecat Jaguar Gr1
I used some US crew figures… Hard to see in this scale anyway.
projekti: Sepecat Jaguar Gr1 «Pink Spitfire»
59 10 July 2023, 20:34

This will be a «summer project». No AM stash will be used, only some styrene and wire for some light detailing.
10 July 2023, 20:38

Painting looking good. Those enamel seem to work fine after 3 decades. I have some Humbrol cans from about 30 years ago. Some dried up but others are still preserved.
15 July 2023, 18:34

Yepp, nothing wrong with the paint. It just needed a good stir.
15 July 2023, 18:48

Thank you for all the nice comments. The kit is an old dog, but has a possibility to be nice with some more scratchbuilding. However, if I should build another one I think I will go for Hasegawa.
24 July 2023, 13:27