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Kierre aloitti Slinky75

Mark Medwell
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
26 27 July 2023, 22:02
Rob Lobban
Nice job Mark. What are your thoughts on the kit overall?
 20 January 2024, 18:20
John Kristoffersen
Very nice and tidy! What colour did you use for the Have Glass? It`s looking very realistic for a brand new one. On the F-16 it gets kind of grubby after a while. B
 21 January 2024, 08:19
Very realistic paint job, one of the best F-35s I've seen! Well done 👍
 21 January 2024, 11:54
Mark Medwell kirjailija
Hi Guys, thanks for the positive comments. Hey Rob, the kit is a dream, it just slots together. The only addition I would make is for seatbelts/resin seat (though I chose to use the figure). i am keen to get the F-35B and see how that one goes together. Hi John, the colour is a mix of SMS lacquers (50% Have Glass, 20% Camo Black, 30% Hyper Chrome Cold) with a satin clear over the top.
 23 January 2024, 00:55
Jennifer Franklin
Very nice work!
 23 January 2024, 01:51
Beautiful Have Glass effect!
 15 April 2024, 21:06

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