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Andy Ball
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28 kuvien
Banff StrikerView album, image #22
EOS 5D4 135mmL at f 22 on ISO 100
1:72 De Havilland Mosquito FB Mk.VI/NF Mk.II (Tamiya 60747)
94 4 August 2023, 14:56
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat.
 4 August 2023, 16:50
Andy Ball kirjailija
Bless ya VdV, along soon….
 4 August 2023, 22:17
Guy Rump
Taking a seat. 🙂
 10 August 2023, 14:10
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat too!
 10 August 2023, 16:26
Neil Patrick
Me too Andy!
 10 August 2023, 23:32
Taking a seat, like picture 6 with the "Norwegian spinners". This was applied on the spinners in some of the Norwegian squadrons in RAF during WW2.
 11 August 2023, 07:01
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thank you for your esteemed company. J35J that explains the markings! I remember (and it was noted in the Oppenheimer film) that a Mossie got Niels Bohr out of Sweden to Scotland.
Beautiful aircraft in all its schemes.
 11 August 2023, 14:39
David Taylor
Got a seat.
 11 August 2023, 14:44
Yes, it is a great aircraft indeed.
If you are intrested in the BOAC Mossie services during WWll I can really recommend "The Stockholm Run - Air Transport Between Britain and Sweden During WWII by the Norwegian author Nils Mathisrud.
 11 August 2023, 15:01
Łukasz Gliński
Just back from Scotchland and such a project to follow! 👍 These stripy spinners really stand out 😮
You made me consider joining you A with the same kit, though I have a lot of started projects already 😄
 16 August 2023, 14:54
Great to follow this project!
If you not want the work to paint the stripy spinner I can recommend Vingtor decals. They handle decals for all Norwegian related RAF Aircrafts during WWII
 16 August 2023, 16:10
Живко Джаков
A place for me too! I love Mosquitoes, they bite terribly.
 16 August 2023, 18:51
I need to see this and a cold keg of beer to beat this filthy southern heat. A trip to Scotland like Lukasz's would not hurt me... Preferably in a Mossie 😛
 18 August 2023, 17:50
Following Andy!
 18 August 2023, 22:12
Andy Ball kirjailija
@David: I'll ensure you have a wee drink too...perhaps Łukasz will spare some of his Scotch?....(or Irn Bru?)
 21 August 2023, 13:57
Andy Ball kirjailija
@J35J, there is some speculation on the blue stripes over the yellow you think it was a Swedish crew operating it?, (or pure coincidence, as Sweden was neutral obviously?)...I'll try the book once I've finished reading the MiG bureau book which is heavy going! (like their planes)
 21 August 2023, 14:00
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Zhivko: in Scotland the 'midges' get you're right..the British had some beautiful aesthetic designs- never tire of a Mosquito...
@Cuajete: dos San Miguels por favor...and hello Micky...Argentina must be warming up too?....
 21 August 2023, 14:03
Andy, thanks for the question.
According to my knowledge there were no swedish crews in RAF during WWIl. I have actually never seen Norwegian stripes on a yellow spinner before, only Sky or black painted spinners. This goes both for mossies & spits

Check the link:

Here you can find a Norwegian mossie with Sky coloured spinners and flag stripes.
 21 August 2023, 15:57
Edward MacKenzie
Oh, there is a free seat in the frontrow... i'll take a seat.
 21 August 2023, 16:28
Andy Ball kirjailija
@J35J thanks for the intel….and we have the Norwegian Govt./Royals for our Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square every Christmas- even though we screwed up Narvik, a bit.
 21 August 2023, 19:48
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Edward- along with some Maiden Beer for ya!?….
 21 August 2023, 19:48
Edward MacKenzie
Yes please 🙂
 22 August 2023, 03:53
Łukasz Gliński
Wish I could A, but the cabin luggage rules are well enforced and unchanged for some years already 🙁 (except for some Irish airports some say)
Looks like you've got really steady hands to drill these tiny holes so clean, sth I envy
 22 August 2023, 07:53
Andy Ball kirjailija
I have a prescription that makes my eyes at -7.00, so close up work is my world and the small drill is easily seen. Shame about the Scotch. I lived and was educated in Scotland for a number of years, and am partial to a wee dram on occasion!
 22 August 2023, 08:22
Michael Kohl
Excuse me Andy if I take the liberty to translate the meaning of the word "wee", as you will not find the Scotish meaning of it in the dictionary. I am by no means an expert but having been to Scotland just a few weeks ago we came across the word all the time. So I asked a native to enlighten me. It means: little/ a bit.
I hope I could save a few lifes with this explaination as it is impossible to survive longer periods of time in Scotland without knowing its meaning. 😉
 6 September 2023, 08:22
Andy Ball kirjailija
thanks again ayjax!
@Michael: I'm English by birth, but educated in Scotland and lived there for a few years- hence the slipping in of Scottish language. You could try "driech" [dreech] for damp/dismal weather, peeley-wallie for pale and unhealthy looking, or my favourite "Scunnert/Scunnerd" meaning tired/exhausted.
 6 September 2023, 13:37
Łukasz Gliński
Thanks for this quick Scottish course 😁
Wee is also used in the emerald island south west from Scotchland
 6 September 2023, 17:46
Yes Andy. I am starting a Pucara project. It is a kit of 30 years ago that is so unique that is not even cataloged in scalemates. Hard resin parts. It is a gift from a friend that found it in his garage. Very vintage and almost every part seems to have fitting issues. A limited edition of a private producer. All resin and some metal parts. Huge challenge if I do not quit!
 7 September 2023, 03:03
Andy Ball kirjailija
Indeed it is Ł, along with 'feck' which is a far better use of the 'f-bomb' in English.
@Micky: let me check out your pampas puma - mind how you go with 'old resin'...dangerous in inhalation
 12 September 2023, 07:52
Łukasz Gliński
Feck it A, your Mossie is grand! 😄
 12 September 2023, 08:45
Gordon Sørensen
Great looking cockpit, Andy.
 12 September 2023, 11:10
Hi Andy, as a matter of fact is a Pucara, not a pampas puma. Regarding the "resin" I used a medical mask( a pandemic leftover) when sanding and opened a window so the dust could circulate.
worst part is almost over. I will post the project as soon as I have time. cheers
 12 September 2023, 13:12
Andy Ball kirjailija
Haha Ł!!
@Gordon, pleased you like it!!
 12 September 2023, 13:18
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks William, some more work done on this project- hopefully some more photos soon. Again, Tamiya serves up a peach of a kit!
 13 September 2023, 11:06
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Agustin!!
 6 October 2023, 13:09
Looking great! Well done Andy!👍🏻
 6 October 2023, 17:33
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work.
 6 October 2023, 18:46
Andy Ball kirjailija
Cheers Neil!
 31 October 2023, 12:52
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks J35J and VdV, I'll post some more shots with the Beau soon!
 31 October 2023, 12:52
Andy Ball kirjailija
thanks Edgars, too!
 31 October 2023, 12:58
Pietro De Angelis
One masterpiece after another, admiration and respect...
 31 October 2023, 13:29
Andy Ball kirjailija
PDA: too kind, again!
Thanks Rando too for the peek...
 1 November 2023, 11:46
Guy Rump
Very impressive mosquito Andy, congrats! 👍
 1 November 2023, 12:48
Andy Ball kirjailija
as always Guy, you're too kind, and thank-you!
 1 November 2023, 14:55
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thank-you Simon
 25 November 2023, 13:07
Andy Ball kirjailija
JK appreciate the visitt
Gábor: thanks too
 25 November 2023, 15:29
Edward MacKenzie
Wow, this is another amazing build Andy. It reminds me doing that one too someday.
 26 November 2023, 09:19
Andy Ball kirjailija
Cheers Edward! I'd say gerronwi'it…it's a super subject and Tamiya does it fine!…
 26 November 2023, 23:12
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks André and the many others for your visit
 27 November 2023, 11:56
Alec K
Excellent build and some interesting techniques mate. Love it 👍
 27 November 2023, 14:10
Andy Ball kirjailija
Appreciative of your comments Alec and bug hunter, they give me motivation!
 29 November 2023, 07:43
Very nice Mossie, Andy. I love it! 👌
 6 January 2024, 20:52
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks again Cuajete!! delighted for your visit////and Sam S, thank-you for the "like"
 6 January 2024, 23:25
Nice work.
 7 January 2024, 10:25
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks Nicolas and Treehugger for the comment and visit!
And David too!
 7 January 2024, 13:21
Andy Ball kirjailija
Antoine and Remco, you're welcome...thanks for the visit...
 7 January 2024, 21:29
Andy Ball kirjailija
Marius, I appreciate your look-see!!
 8 January 2024, 21:58
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks squidward89, Jocaj and others for popping by
 9 January 2024, 09:14
Very nice plane, build and paintwork as well,.Andy! Congratulations my friend!
 9 January 2024, 15:02
Andy Ball kirjailija
ah, cheers Micky...well I aspire I suppose!!'s you?, need to have a peek at your work too...
und, VD Bernhard
Thanks Freak too!
 9 January 2024, 22:00
Andy Ball kirjailija
Gary, appreciate your like
 10 January 2024, 23:40
I am currently on vacations. So I will resume my Pucara in February. I have just finalized the building. It was a pain but my most challenging building so far. Painting job will be easier I hope. Cheers
 10 January 2024, 23:58
Rui S
I like it 👍
 13 January 2024, 01:15
Andy Ball kirjailija
Rui S, thanks for dialling in!, and thanks JBK, Stephan H and Martin (plus others I'm sure) for the appreciative ticks
 13 January 2024, 20:53
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thank-you Jennifer for taking a peek!
 27 January 2024, 08:24
Andy Ball kirjailija
Micky: the best part of the build is when you see the result born out of those challenges we once faced!
 27 January 2024, 08:26
Andy Ball kirjailija
Thanks subotai for taking the time ….
 29 January 2024, 21:31
Andy Ball kirjailija
Lukas and others, thanks!
 5 February 2024, 15:03
Mr James
Great little Mozzie 🙂 Lovely job - I've started the Tamiya 1.48 kit.... started 🙂
 25 February 2024, 23:51
Andy Ball kirjailija
@Mr James, I'll swing by and take a can't go wrong with a Tammy
@Lost Erik et al, thank-you for the "likes"
 27 March 2024, 12:18

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