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Kierre aloitti gvizbi

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67 3 September 2023, 09:32
Rui S
Excellent work as always 👍
 3 September 2023, 10:46
John Brophy
That's quite superb. The background story is great too.
 3 September 2023, 15:51
Pietro De Angelis
Fantastic and super detailed work, and thanks for the historical narration!
 3 September 2023, 16:28
Mr James
Oh Yes. A splendid model build. The stand outs for me are the tracks, wire rope and the mud. Truly wonderful
 3 September 2023, 17:20
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 4 September 2023, 19:18
gvizbi kirjailija
Thank you guys!
 5 September 2023, 21:21
gvizbi kirjailija
Added a few photos of the real tank for comparison.
 11 September 2023, 06:45
Mathias Decommere
 11 September 2023, 08:26
Excellent build and interesting story. Thanks for showing/telling!
 11 September 2023, 09:03
Mr James
Nice seeing the original. Once again you've done a cracking job 👌
 11 September 2023, 17:45
Love a model with a story! Great work!
 12 September 2023, 01:34
What a beauty🥰
 13 September 2023, 10:21
another bob
Truly awesome historically accurate and interesting model. Well done!
 13 September 2023, 11:11
gvizbi kirjailija
Thank you mates for your kind words! I enjoy a lot doing research about the history of the subject I am building. Sometimes even more than building it 🙂
 15 September 2023, 09:39
A master piece!
 15 September 2023, 10:21
Guy Rump
Great job! 👍
 15 September 2023, 18:02
gvizbi kirjailija
Thank you guys.
 18 September 2023, 10:49
Gary Curling
 26 May 2024, 22:18

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