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Kierre aloitti MythialEn

Kitty hawk is back!!! Hope the high price aren't though 🙁
Zimi Model 1:48
ZM80123R 2024* Uusi laatikko
4 8 September 2023, 00:29
Stephen G
Is this a continuation of some of the staff from Kitty Hawk? Or did they just buy some of the designs they were working on?

Either way... I hope the quality/accuracy is a little higher this time round (and yes, with a lower price!)
 18 September 2023, 15:16
MythialEn kirjailija
From what I've heard, zimi get the most of the remain of K&P with a few expectation by trumpeter. So they probably gonna rerelease most of K&P's previous product and things they were working on.
 18 September 2023, 22:06
Top Agent PGG jr.
I got curious and went to the ZimiModel official site. Found the price of almost each item costs 999 RMB regardless if that item is a sprue part or a kit.
 25 September 2023, 12:42
looks like they are still building the website....
 25 September 2023, 12:44
Palo M
I thought Zimi is a rebrand of "Hong", not Kitty Hawk.
What does K&P stand for?
 3 October 2023, 14:21
MythialEn kirjailija
kitty hawk and panda hobby, they and hong were owned by the same company
 3 October 2023, 17:41
Palo M
Ah, so many names for the same thing 🙂 thank you MythialEn!
 3 October 2023, 18:25

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