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Kierre aloitti Czegle Zso

Zsolt Czegle
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Slovak Open 2025, Rimavska Sobota (SK) - Awarded model
projekti: Broody-chaser
1:72 Velorex (abc 7143)1:72 Velorex (Brengun BRL72130)
77 22 September 2023, 14:56
Robert Podkoński
I love this kit (and I am curious how the Brengun's upgrade kit works with the basic one 😉 )
 22 September 2023, 15:09
Alec K
Same! Looking forward to what you do with it 👍
 23 September 2023, 21:20
I'm in
 26 September 2023, 13:35
Tom B.
Those Velorex (and in fact those funky 3-wheelers in general) look so wonderfully unusual! Following this 👍
 27 September 2023, 10:57
Zsolt Czegle kirjailija
Welcome mates on the aboard of the project! I hope you will like it!
 27 September 2023, 18:06
Thomas Espe
Interesting, following
 27 September 2023, 20:00
Zsolt Czegle kirjailija
Welcome Thomas!
 2 October 2023, 21:09
Henry Ch.
 2 October 2023, 21:25
Wow what a tiny buti
 3 October 2023, 11:04
Villiers de Vos
 10 October 2023, 20:56
Michael Kohl
Just bought this for small money. Anxious to see what you make out of it.
 15 October 2023, 20:44
Zsolt Czegle kirjailija
Thank you Michael!
I bought it also for a little mobey some years ago. Now it costs a fortune for its size....
 17 October 2023, 18:31
Zsolt Czegle kirjailija
Today I faded and highlighted the Velorex with oil paints  
 17 October 2023, 19:03
Haha... What a beauty! Very nice job!
 19 October 2023, 07:29
Villiers de Vos
Fantastic work.
 27 October 2023, 20:28
Zsolt Czegle kirjailija
Thank you Lali and Villiers!
 27 October 2023, 21:05
Alec K
Looks like a real live hadroplán 👍
 28 October 2023, 13:08
Bas Tonn
Very nice
 29 October 2023, 12:22
Simon Nagorsnik
Cute vehicle- like it 😁
 22 November 2023, 17:22
Zsolt Czegle kirjailija
Thank you mates!
 23 November 2023, 09:53
Very nice work! I like this one very much.
1  21 December 2023, 09:42
Michael Kohl
Cute result. I bought the ASK printed wheels and like them very much but your result with the photoetched parts is just as good. I did not like the roof carrier at the Brengun PE set but with the suitcase you put in, it looks really good. Lovely little vignette. Do you mind loosing a word or two on the materials used?
Another beauty from your bench.
1  21 December 2023, 11:32
The matchstick seems to get bigger with each model.😁 Love it.
1  24 February, 08:47
Congrats! Well deserved!
1  24 February, 10:27
Zsolt Czegle kirjailija
Danke Neuling!
 25 February, 06:48
Alec K
Indeed, congrats on the award 👍
1  26 February, 13:37
Johan DN
1  26 February, 16:30
Zsolt Czegle kirjailija
Thank you mates!
 26 February, 17:14

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