mittakaavan mallintamistietokanta | stash manager

Kierre aloitti Mike Lima Whiskey 69

Marc .
lisäsi uuden valokuva-albumin.
34 27 September 2023, 18:46
That looks sooo good! The maus is such a bland tank and you detailed it up very nice!
 6 April 2024, 19:42
Marc . kirjailija
 8 April 2024, 17:49
Love it, hope its ok to be inspired by your build for my next one 🙂
 26 July 2024, 12:11
Marc . kirjailija
Of course it's okay. I'm already looking forward to your build!
 26 July 2024, 17:50
Mathias Griesbeck
very nice! reminds me of a WoT skin for the Maus.
 26 July 2024, 19:34
Mathias Griesbeck
oh, after checking again: you did a damn good replica of the Landkreuzer skin 🙂
 26 July 2024, 19:37

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